Information about Pecuniary Damage Caused within Completed Criminal Proceedings in 7 Months of 2022 in Proceeding of Subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee and Recovery of Damage

Within the completed criminal proceedings (and materials rejected on non-acquittal base) in the reporting period out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 1.599.019.812 AMD 918.146.805 AMD or 57.4% has been recovered at the stage of preliminary investigation. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 493.719.189 AMD 139.618.963 AMD or 28.2% has been recovered. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - 1.627.530.509 AMD 125.202.752 AMD or 7.6% has been recovered.
Within the completed criminal cases (and materials rejected on non-acquittal base) in the proceeding of Yerevan Investigative Department and subdivisions out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 187.019.576 AMD 45.507.385 AMD or 24.3% has been recovered at the stage of preliminary investigation. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 357.925.467 AMD 120.609.626 AMD or 33.6% has been recovered. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - AMD 43.707.698 AMD or 3.4% has been recovered.
Within the completed criminal cases (and materials rejected on non-acquittal base) in the proceeding of Regional investigative departments out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 349.489.518 AMD 43.348.589 AMD or 12.4% has been recovered at the stage of preliminary investigation. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 124.925.722 AMD 15.530.337 AMD or 12.4% has been recovered. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - 309.091.310 AMD 68.844.042 AMD or 22.2% has been recovered.
Within the completed criminal cases (and materials rejected on non-acquittal base) in the proceeding of Subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 35.905.795 AMD 6.439.908 AMD or 17.9% has been recovered at the stage of preliminary investigation. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 4.323.000 AMD 139.000 AMD or 3.2% has been recovered. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - 1.958.400 AMD 629.012 AMD or 32% has been recovered.