Information on Work Done by the Investigative Committee in the First Term of 2022

The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), being governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia”, relevant domestic and international legal acts, in the first term of 2022 has done sufficient work in the sphere of crime prevention, crime disclosure, enhancement of efficiency and quality of investigation, protection of human rights and legal interests as well as legal protection.
In the first term of 2022 the bodies and subdivisions of the Committee conducting pretrial proceeding have worked with serious workload. Pursuant to data of the information center of the RA Police, 27.482 or about 92.8 % of criminal cases investigated in the investigative bodies empowered to conduct preliminary investigation in the republic have been investigated in the Committee.
In the period in question the number of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the Committee has increased with 4.630 or 20.2% as compared with the previous year (22.852 cases in 2021).
5.858 of the mentioned 27.482 criminal cases have passed from 2021. In the first term of 2022 in the proceeding of the bodies, subdivisions of the Committee 4.697 criminal cases have been initiated (3.137 in 2021), part has been separated from 404 criminal cases on which there have not been decisions for initiation (337 in 2021), 10.624 criminal cases have been received from inquest bodies (7.845 in 2021), 2.038 cases have been received from another body (1.450 in 2021), 356 criminal cases have been initiated by the Prosecutor’s Office (501 in 2021), 94 criminal cases have been received from another state (43 in 2021), proceeding of 3.224 criminal cases formerly terminated or suspended has restarted (2.030 in 2021), 187 criminal cases have been returned for additional investigation (71 in 2021).
The average workload of investigators has also increased along with the increase of cases in the proceeding. In the first term of 2022 the average workload of investigators only in criminal cases has made 58 criminal cases (947 in 2021). In the previous reporting period the work has been done by 481 investigators, this year - by 473 investigators. It should be noted that the index does not completely reflect the work done by the Committee considering the significant number of the prepared and rejected materials - 1.304 materials within which procedural actions are also conducted. If we consider the average workload of one investigator of the Committee by the unified calculation of the pending criminal cases and rejected materials it makes 61 cases and materials as compared with 49 of the previous year.
In the first term of 2022 1.560 of 27.482 investigated criminal cases have been sent to the IC subdivisions, 2.844 of 3.224 restarted criminal cases have formerly been suspended cases 667 of which have restarted on the base of the fact that the wanted person has been found, 231 – based on the fact that the crime has been disclosed.
If we consider the cases in the proceeding without cases sent to the IC subdivisions as well as without those restarted, it means that 23.976 cases have been investigated in the first term of 2022.
14.083 cases or 51.2% of 27.482 criminal cases have been investigated by Yerevan Investigative Department and its subdivisions which are by 4,254 cases or 43.2% more than the criminal cases investigated in the same reporting period of the previous year (9.829 in 2021).
Along with the increase of cases in the proceeding in the reporting period the investigators’ average workload has also increased – last year it was 57.1 cases, this term - 83.3 cases, it has increased with 26.2. It should be noted that in the previous reporting period the work has been done by 172 investigators, this year – by 169 investigators.
In the first term of 2022 1.036 of 14.083 criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of Yerevan Investigative Department have been sent to the IC subdivisions, 1.513 of 1.716 criminal cases have been formerly suspended and restarted 321 of which have restarted on the base of the fact that the wanted person has been found, 141 - on disclosure base.
Thus, if we consider the cases in the proceeding without cases sent to the IC subdivisions and without those restarted, it means that 11.996 cases have been investigated in Yerevan Investigative Department in the first term of 2022.
8.583 criminal cases or 31.2% of cases in the proceeding have been investigated by regional investigative departments of the Committee which are by 1.070 cases or 14.2% more than those investigated in the same reporting period of the previous year (7.513 in 2021).
Along with the increase of cases in the proceeding in the reporting period the investigators’ average workload has also increased – last year it was 43.9 cases, this term - 49.3 cases, it has increased with 5.4. In the previous reporting period the work has been done by 171 investigators, this year – by 174 investigators.
In the first term of 2022 236 of 8.583 criminal cases, investigated in the proceeding of regional investigative departments, have been sent to the IC subdivisions, 1.005 of 1.153 criminal cases have been formerly suspended and restarted 114 of which have restarted on the base of the fact that the wanted person has been found, 84 - on crime disclosure base.
If we consider the cases in the proceeding without cases sent to the IC subdivisions and without those restarted, it means that 7.540 cases have been investigated in regional investigative departments in the first term of 2022.
4.091 criminal cases or 14.8% of cases in the proceeding has been investigated by the subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department of the Committee which are by 978 cases or 19.2% more than those investigated in the same reporting period of the previous year (5.069 in 2021).
Along with the decrease of cases in the proceeding n the reporting period the investigators’ average workload has also decreased – last year it was 72.4 cases, this term - 52.4 cases, it has decreased with 20. In the previous reporting period the work has been done by 70 investigators, this year – by 78 investigators.
In the first term of 2022 236 of 8.583 criminal cases, investigated in the proceeding of regional investigative departments, have been sent to the IC subdivisions, 1.005 of 1.153 criminal cases have been formerly suspended and restarted 114 of which have restarted on the base of the fact that the wanted person has been found, 84 - on crime disclosure base.
In the first term of 2022 277 of 4.091 criminal cases investigated in General Military Investigative Department have been sent to the IC subdivisions, 262 of 291 criminal cases have been formerly suspended and restarted 225 of which have restarted on the base of the fact that the wanted person has been found, 6 - on crime disclosure base.
If we consider the cases in the proceeding without cases sent to the IC subdivisions as well as without those restarted, it means that 3.783 cases have been investigated in General Military Investigative Department in the first term of 2022.
One of the most important indices of the efficiency of preliminary investigation is the procedural completion of criminal cases. In the first term of 2022 proceeding of 7.806 criminal cases has been completed as compared with 5.832 criminal cases in the same period of the previous year; thus the procedural completion has increased with 1.974 criminal cases or 33.8%.
2.499 of the mentioned 7.806 criminal cases on 2.854 persons have been sent to court with the bill of indictment (1.957 criminal cases on 2.261 persons in 2021). As compared with the previous year the number of cases has increased with 542 or 27.6%, the number of persons – with 593 or 26.2%. 20 criminal cases have been sent to court with the decision on application of compulsory medical measures (23 cases in 2021). Proceeding of 5.287 criminal cases has been terminated (3.852 in 2021), so it has increased with 1.435 cases or 37.2%. Moreover, 2.747 of the mentioned cases have been terminated on non-acquittal and 2.540 cases – on acquittal bases. 31 criminal cases have been terminated by the prosecutor’s decision.
3.738 criminal cases or 47.8% of 7.806 completed cases have been investigated by Yerevan Investigative Department and its subdivisions which are with 1.384 cases or 58.7% more than the criminal cases completed in the same period of the previous year (2.354 in 2021). 963 of 3.738 criminal cases have been completed with the bill of indictment and on 1.061 persons have been sent to court. Proceeding of 2.770 criminal cases has been terminated 1.439 of which on non-acquittal and 1.331 on acquittal base. 5 criminal cases have been sent to court with the decision on application of compulsory medical measures.
2.831 criminal cases or 36.2% have been investigated by regional investigative departments which are with 569 cases or 25.1% more than the criminal cases completed in the same period of the previous year (2.262 in 2021). 1.163 of 2.831 criminal cases have been completed with the bill of indictment and on 1.303 persons have been sent to court. Proceeding of 1.653 criminal cases has been terminated 894 of which on non-acquittal and 759 on acquittal base. 15 criminal cases have been sent to court with the decision on application of compulsory medical measures.
1.109 criminal cases or 14.2% have been investigated by the subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department which are with 19 cases or 1.6% fewer than the criminal cases completed in the same period of the previous year (1.128 in 2021). 319 of 1.109 criminal cases have been completed with the bill of indictment and on 341 persons have been sent to court. Proceeding of 790 criminal cases has been terminated 367 of which on non-acquittal and 423 on acquittal base.
Along with the increase of cases in the proceeding in the reporting period the number of suspended criminal cases has also increased. In the first term of 2022 proceeding of 5.565 cases has been suspended (5.185 in 2021). As compared with the previous year the increase is 380 criminal cases or 7.3%. 4.593 of the mentioned 5.565 criminal cases have been suspended on the base of the fact that the person having committed the alleged crime has not been identified, 948 – on the base of the fact that the location of the person having committed the alleged crime is not known, 24 – on other bases.
Thus, the completed criminal cases make 28.4% and the suspended criminal cases make 20.2% of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the Committee.
1.625 of 27.482 criminal cases have been sent to other bodies, 2.507 criminal cases have been combined, 9.973 criminal cases or 36.2% of the cases has not been completed as compared with 7.973 criminal cases of the previous year which has made 34.8% of the cases in the proceeding.
36 of 319 criminal cases, investigated in the proceeding of the subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department and sent to court, have been returned to additional investigation. Thus, summing up the investigated and solved criminal cases we can record that in the first term of 2022 17.509 cases of 27.482 have been solved, so the productivity has made 63.7%.
In the first term of 2021 14.879 cases of 22.852 have been solved, so the productivity has made 65.1%. Thus, as compared with 2021 in 2022 2.630 more cases have been solved which is more with 17.6%.
In the first term of 2022 187 criminal cases have been returned for additional investigation (71 in 2021) which makes 7.4% of 2.499 criminal cases completed with the bill of indictment and sent to court. Thus
50 of 963 criminal cases, investigated in the proceeding of Yerevan Investigative Department and subdivisions and sent to court, have been returned for additional investigation.
101 of 1163 criminal cases, investigated in the proceeding of regional investigative departments and sent to court, have been returned for additional investigation.
The cases of annulment of decisions on termination of the proceeding of the criminal case made by the supervising prosecutors have increased with 133 or 77.5% - in the first term of 2022 380 decisions have been annulled (214 in 2021). Thus
Yerevan Investigative Department and subdivisions - the cases of annulment of decisions on termination of the proceeding of the criminal case have increased with 118 or 138.8% - in the first term of 2022 203 decisions have been annulled (85 in 2021).
Regional investigative departments the cases of annulment of decisions on termination of the proceeding of the criminal case have increased with 42 or 39.6% - in the first term of 2022 148 decisions have been annulled (106 in 2021).
Subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department the cases of annulment of decisions on termination of the proceeding of the criminal case have increased with 11 or 61.1% - in the first term of 2022 29 decisions have been annulled (18 in 2021).
Increase has been recorded in the annulment of decisions on suspension of the proceeding as well. As compared with 180 annulment of suspension in the previous year, 610 have been recorded this year; it has increased with 430 or 238,8%.
Yerevan Investigative Department and subdivisions - the cases of annulment of decisions on suspension of the proceeding of the criminal case have increased with 392 cases or 544.4% - in the first term of 2022 464 decisions have been annulled (72 in 2021).
Regional investigative departments - the cases of annulment of decisions on suspension of the proceeding of the criminal case have increased with 28 cases or 26.6% - in the first term of 2022 133 decisions have been annulled (105 in 2021).
Subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department - the cases of annulment of decisions on suspension of the proceeding of the criminal case have increased with 10 cases or 333% in the first term of 2022 13 decisions have been annulled (3 in 2021).
Cases of annulment of decisions on rejection of initiation of criminal cases have decreased with 3 or 7.8% - in the first term of 2022 35 decisions have been annulled (38 in 2021).
Yerevan Investigative Department and subdivisions - cases of annulment of decisions on rejection of initiation of criminal cases have increased with 1 or 33.3% - in the first term of 2022 4 decisions have been annulled (3 in 2021).
Regional investigative departments - cases of annulment of decisions on rejection of initiation of criminal cases have increased with 8 or 53.3% - in the first term of 2022 23 decisions have been annulled (15 in 2021).
Subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department - cases of annulment of decisions on rejection of initiation of criminal cases have decreased with 12 or 60% - in the first term of 2022 8 decisions have been annulled (20 in 2021).
Written instructions issued by prosecutors
In the first term of 2022 2.216 instructions have been issued to the investigators by the prosecutors supervising the legality of preliminary investigation. 151 written objections have been submitted to the superior prosecutors by the investigators but only 4 objections have been sufficed by the superior prosecutors 3 of them – partially.
Within the criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of Yerevan Investigative Department and subdivisions 934 issues have been issued 7 of which have been objected. One of the objections has been partially sufficed.
Within the criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of regional investigative departments 768 issues have been issued 119 of which have been objected. 3 of the objections have been sufficed 2 of them partially.
Within the criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of Subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department 502 issues have been issued 25 of which have been objected. None of the objections has been sufficed.
Arrest, Detention
Within the criminal cases investigated in the proceeding in the first term of 2022 551 suspected have been arrested, 174 have been released from arrest. 901 motions on using detention as a pretrial measure against the defendant have been submitted 270 of which have been against persons involved as a defendant according to the Article 327 of RA Criminal Code. 740 of the mentioned motions have been sufficed (270 – according to the Article 327), 161 – have been rejected. 328 of 901 motions have been against defendants wanted within criminal cases.
56 of the rejected motions have been appealed by the prosecutors 10 of which have been sufficed. In 23 cases detention has been replaced with mortgage. In 51 cases the motion on extension of defendant’s detention has been rejected. Decisions have been made to change or annul detention as a pretrial measure against 183 defendants 146 of which have been against persons involved as a defendant according to the Article 327 of RA Criminal code.
Prepared materials
In the reporting period 5.290 materials have been prepared (3.117 in 2021) on 3.537 of which criminal cases have been initiated (2.091 in 2021), initiation on 1.304 cases have been rejected (856 in 2021), moreover 1.132 on acquittal, 172 – on non-acquittal base.
Pecuniary damages caused by crime
Within the completed criminal cases and materials rejected on non-acquittal base in the reporting period out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 1.598.700.617 AMD 918.008.497 AMD or 57.4% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 279.591.509 AMD. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 421.385.689 AMD 139.618.743 AMD or 33.1% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 3.594.205 AMD. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - 1.613.123.061 AMD 123.545.140 AMD or 7.6% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 70.857.717 AMD at the stage of preliminary investigation.
Within the completed criminal cases and materials rejected on non-acquittal base in the proceeding of Yerevan Investigative Department and subdivisions out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 187.019.576 AMD 45.507.385 AMD or 24.3% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 116.783.377 AMD. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 338.038.967 AMD 120.609.406 AMD or 35.6% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 1.754.000 AMD. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - 1.258.313.772 AMD 43.705.198 AMD or 3.4% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 55.882.717 AMD at the stage of preliminary investigation.
Within the completed criminal cases and materials rejected on non-acquittal base in the proceeding of Regional investigative departments out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 349.466.118 AMD 43.325.189 AMD or 12.3% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 148.808.132 AMD. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 73.862.722 AMD 15.530.337 AMD or 21% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 1.840.205 AMD. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - 308.429.675 AMD 67.189.942 AMD or 21.7% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 14.975.000 AMD at the stage of preliminary investigation.
Within the completed criminal cases and materials rejected on non-acquittal base in the proceeding of Subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 35.610.000 AMD 6.143.000 AMD or 17.2% has been recovered, a ban has been imposed on property worth 14.000.000 AMD. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 2.939.000 AMD 139.000 AMD or 4.7% has been recovered, there is no property under ban. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - 1.958.000 AMD 628.000 AMD or 32% has been recovered; there is no property under ban at the stage of preliminary investigation.
As of 01.01.2022 the balance of the Committee's deposit account for the purpose of recovery of property damage caused has made 4.682.379.879 AMD, between 01.01.2022 and 30.06.2022 the entered amount has made 526.371.631 AMD, withdrawal - 1.305.743.433 AMD, as of 01.07.2022 the balance has made 3.903.008.077 AMD.
Deadlines of preliminary investigation
Considering that as compared with the previous year, in the first term of 2022 the number of the completed cases has increased, so along with it the number of the completed cases investigated beyond the two-month period of preliminary investigation has also increased. The deadlines of preliminary investigation of the completed cases have been prolonged within 3.063 cases as compared with 3.022 of the previous year; it has increased with 41 cases or 1.3%.
In terms of the observation of deadlines of preliminary investigation of the criminal cases passed to the second term of 2022 a positive index has been recorded. 5.521 of 9.973 cases passed to the second term have been investigated in violation of the two-month period as compared with 5.538 cases of the previous year. Thus, the number of cases, the deadline of preliminary investigation of which had been prolonged, has increased with 17 or 0.3%.
Pursuant to the IC Chairman’s instruction N 169-Լ dated 29.10.2018 “On Submission of Information about Criminal Cases Investigated in the Proceeding” the investigative bodies and subdivisions of the Committee submit information each month about the number of criminal cases investigated in the proceeding, deadlines of preliminary investigation which is an important index for the assessment of the workload of the body or subdivision, deadline observation of preliminary investigation. Besides, during the inspections conducted in the subdivisions, among other circumstances, much attention is also paid to the deadline observation of preliminary investigation of criminal cases.
Deaths in the Armed Forces
In the first term of 2022 pretrial proceeding has been conducted on 14 cases on death recorded in the RA Armed Forces and other troops (related to military service) (10 in 2021). Criminal cases have been initiated on the mentioned cases and 9 criminal cases are being investigated, a decision has been made to reject the initiation of criminal case on 1 case based on the Point 1 of the Part 1 of the Article 35 of RA Criminal Code.
9 of 14 deaths have been consequence of murder (1 in 2021), all committed by the rival (1 in 2020), 3 – cases of suicide or causing to commit suicide, 1 – violation of the rules of use of weapon ( 1 in 2021), 1 – disease (2 in 2021).
Within the current cases 5 persons have been involved as a defendant, signature not to leave has been used as a pretrial measure against 2 of them, handing over command control – against 3 of them. Preliminary investigation of 9 criminal cases is underway.
Within the criminal cases initiated on deaths it has been found out that most of them could not have happened if the servicemen had followed the safety rules, the commanders in combat positions had organized and carried out various activities in a prescribed manner and the officers of the commanding staff had not been negligent and unscrupulous in their duties.
Cases investigated according to the Article 327 of RA Criminal Code
1.113 criminal cases on evasion from regular military or alternative service, training exercises or mobilizations have been investigated 398 of which have passed from 2021, 715 have been received for production in the first term of 2022. 12 of the mentioned cases have been completed with the bill of indictment and sent to court, proceeding of 360 cases has been terminated, proceeding of 271 cases has been suspended, 17 cases have been sent to other bodies, 23 cases have been combined, 430 cases have passed to the second term of 2022. 61 persons have been recruited to the RA Armed Forces (20 in 2021).
Corruption-related crimes
In the first term of 2022 1.036 criminal cases on corruption-related crimes have been investigated in the proceeding of the Committee (1.294 in 2021) 761 of which have passed from 2021. 52 of the mentioned 1.036 criminal cases have been completed with the bill of indictment and sent to court, 1 has been sent to court to use compulsory medical measures, proceeding of 180 criminal cases has been terminated 114 of which on acquittal, 66 – on non-acquittal base, proceeding of 35 criminal cases has been suspended 30 of which based on the fact that the person having committed the crime is not known, 5 – based on the fact that the location of the defendant is not known, 77 criminal cases have been sent to other bodies, 32 cases have been combined, 659 cases have passed to the second term of 2022.
Within the mentioned 1.036 criminal cases 980 persons have been subjected to criminal prosecution (531 in 2021). 41 of those having been subjected to criminal prosecution have been arrested 26 of which have been released from custody. 660 persons have been involved as a defendant. 38 motions on using detention as a pretrial measure have been submitted 6 of which have been rejected, 32 have been sufficed. In 8 cases detention has been replaced with mortgage. 9 defendants have been released from custody 2 of which by the prosecutor’s decision, 7 by the court. A decision has been made to temporarily suspend the tenure of 20 of the defendants.
Criminal prosecution on 232 persons has been terminated 62 of which on acquittal, 170 – on non-acquittal base. 282 persons have been sued 12 of which have been under custody.
Criminal prosecution is being conducted against 440 persons 4 of which is under custody.
Within the completed criminal cases on corruption-related crimes and materials rejected on non-acquittal base in the reporting period the pecuniary damage caused to the state has made 1.254.545.799 AMD 1.242.884.299 AMD of which is the damage caused to the state, 11.661.500 AMD – caused to legal entities and natural persons. 870.038.308 AMD in total has been recovered 861.895.308 AMD of which is from the pecuniary damage caused to the state, 8.143.000 AMD – from the pecuniary damage caused to legal entities and natural persons.
44 materials on corruption-related crimes have been prepared on 43 of which criminal cases have been initiated, initiation of criminal case on 1 has been rejected.
Crimes committed by minors
In the first term of 2022 135 criminal cases on crimes committed by minors have been investigated 39 of which have been completed and with the bill of indictment, on 39 minors have been sent to court to use compulsory medical measures, 24 cases have been terminated 8 of which on acquittal base. 5 criminal cases have been sent to another body, 7 cases have been combined, 7 cases have been suspended, 51 criminal cases have passed to the second term of 2022. 1 criminal case on 1 person on involving the minor in crime commitment has been sent to court with the bill of indictment. Within cases terminated on non-acquittal base, parts of the case and rejected materials 20 minors have been released from criminal liability.
Crimes committed against minors
In the first term of 2022 196 criminal cases on crimes committed against minors according to the relevant article of RA Criminal Code have been investigated 2 of which have been on murder, 1 – on causing death by negligence, 2 – on causing to commit suicide, 7 – on willful infliction of heavy bodily damage, 1 – on willful infliction of damage of medium gravity, 2 – on infliction of light bodily damage to health, 37 – on battery, 7 – on infliction of strong physical pain or strong mental sufferance, 4 – kidnapping, 2 – on illegal deprivation of freedom, 3 – on threatening to murder, to cause heavy bodily damage or destroy property, 2 – on rape, 6 – on forced violent sexual acts, 1 – on coercing sexual intercourse or sexual actions, 11 – on sexual acts with a person under 16, 17 – on lecherous acts, 1 – on illegal collecting, keeping, use and dissemination of information pertaining to personal or family life, 2 – illegal separation of the child from parents or changing the child, 12 - on hindering to visits of parent or other close relative to the child, 2 – on sale and purchase of child for the purpose of taking up care, 1 – on reporting false information to Civil Status Act Registration Bodies, 3 – on failure to fulfill or improperly fulfill the duty of raising a child, 10 – on willful evasion from supporting one’s child by the parent, 60 – on other crimes.
29 of 196 criminal cases have been completed and with the bill of indictment, on 31 persons have been sent to court, proceeding of 49 criminal cases has been terminated 30 of which on acquittal, 19 – on non-acquittal base. Proceeding of 29 criminal cases has been suspended 4 of which on the base of the fact that the person having committed the crime is under prosecution, 24 – on the base of the fact that the person having committed the crime is not known, 1 – on another base. 6 criminal cases have been sent according to investigative subordination, 7 cases have been combined, 76 cases have passed to July, 2022.
Within the above-mentioned criminal cases 92 persons have been involved as a defendant 7 of which have been between 14 and 16, 7 – between 16 and 18, 34 – between 18 and 35, 44 – over 35 years old. 6 of them have had higher education, 76 – secondary, 5 – secondary vocational, 5 – primary education. 2 defendants have been previously convicted.
By status 37 of 92 defendants have been the family members of the affected minor, 1 – teacher or an employee of educational or therapeutic or educational institution.
Within the mentioned 196 cases 194 persons have been found the affected party 98 of which - under 12, 42 – between 12 and 14, 35 – between 14 and 16, 19 – between 16 and 18.
Crimes on domestic violence
In the first term of 2022 391 criminal cases on domestic violence according to the relevant articles of the RA Criminal Code have been investigated in the proceeding of the Committee 8 of which have been on murder, 1 – on infliction of death by negligence, 6 – on willful infliction of heavy bodily damage, 7 - on willful infliction of damage of medium gravity, 20 – on infliction of light bodily damage to health, 183 – on battery, 11 – on infliction of strong physical pain or strong mental sufferance, 11 - kidnapping, 1 – on illegal deprivation of freedom, 51 – on threatening to murder, to cause heavy bodily damage or destroy property, 1 – on forced violent sexual acts, 3 – on sexual acts with a person under 16, 1 – on lecherous acts, 2 – on illegal collecting, keeping, use and dissemination of information pertaining to personal or family life, 2 – illegal separation of the child from parents or changing the child, 31 - on hindering to visits of parent or other close relative to the child, 1 – on sale and purchase of child for the purpose of taking up care, 1 – on reporting false information to Civil Status Act Registration Bodies, 2 – on failure to fulfill or improperly fulfill the duty of raising a child, 1 – on failure to fulfill or improperly fulfill the duty of ensuring the safety of the child's life or health, 9 – on willful evasion from supporting one’s child by the parent, 3 – on willful destruction or spoilage of property, 21 – on willful failure to comply with an urgent intervention order or protective order, 22 – on other crimes.
53 of 391 criminal cases have been completed and with the bill of indictment, on 56 persons have been sent to court, proceeding of 123 criminal cases has been terminated 39 of which on acquittal, 84 – on non-acquittal base. Proceeding of 8 criminal cases has been suspended 4 of which on the base of the fact that the person having committed the crime is under prosecution, 4 – on the base of the fact that the person having committed the crime is not known, 7 criminal cases have been sent according to investigative subordination, 55 cases have been combined, 145 cases have passed to July, 2022.
Within the above-mentioned criminal cases 128 persons have been involved as a defendant 2 of which have been between 14 and 18, 55 – between 18 and 35, 71 – over 35 years old. 7 defendants have been previously convicted.
4 of the crimes committed in the family have been committed by mother 3 of which – against minor child, 7 – by father – 6 of which against minor child, 2 – by step mother against minor step child, 2 – by step father against minor step child, 4 – by brother/sister, 3 – by grandfather/grandmother, 9 – by the child (among them adopted one), 4 – by the wife, 85 – by the husband, 4 – by grandchild, 4 – by husband’s parents.
Within the mentioned 391 criminal cases 296 persons have been found the affected party 32 of which -under 12, 6 – between 12 and 14, 3– between 14 and 16, 17 – between 16 and 18, 122 – between 18 and 35, 116 – over 35 years old.
In the first term of 2022 15 criminal cases on trafficking have been investigated in the proceeding of the Committee 6 of which on 15 persons have been completed and sent to court with the bill of indictment, 2 have been terminated on acquittal base, preliminary investigation of 7 cases in underway.
93 criminal cases have been investigated on murder 23 of which on 32 persons have been completed and sent to court with the bill of indictment, 3 have been terminated on acquittal, 2 – on non-acquittal base, preliminary investigation of 58 cases in underway.
68 criminal cases have been investigated on murder attempt 21 of which on 26 persons have been completed and sent to court with the bill of indictment, 3 have been terminated, 1 - on acquittal, 1 – on non-acquittal base, preliminary investigation of 36 cases in underway.
45 criminal cases have been investigated on banditry 20 of which on 30 persons have been completed and sent to court with the bill of indictment, 8 have been terminated, 4 of which on acquittal, 4 – on non-acquittal base, preliminary investigation of 10 cases in underway.
272 criminal cases have been investigated on infliction of heavy bodily damage 59 of which on 63 persons have been completed and sent to court with the bill of indictment, 13 have been terminated, 8 of which on acquittal, 5 – on non-acquittal base, preliminary investigation of 157 cases in underway.
484 criminal cases have been investigated on hooliganism 54 of which on 107 persons have been completed and sent to court with the bill of indictment, 60 have been terminated, 43 of which on acquittal, 17 – on non-acquittal base, preliminary investigation of 297 cases in underway.
4.809 criminal cases have been investigated on theft 324 of which on 460 persons have been completed and sent to court with the bill of indictment, 430 have been terminated, 107 of which on acquittal, 323 – on non-acquittal base, preliminary investigation of 1.815 cases in underway.
20 criminal cases have been investigated on rape 2 of which on 2 persons have been completed and sent to court with the bill of indictment, 7 have been terminated, 6 of which on acquittal, 1 – on non-acquittal base, preliminary investigation of 10 cases is underway.
In the first term of 2022 659 criminal cases have been investigated in the proceeding of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Committee ((hereinafter referred to as General Department) (367 in 2021) 206 of which have passed from 2021, 453 have been received for production in the first term of 2022. 76 of the mentioned 659 criminal cases have been initiated in the General Department, 27 are separated parts, 1 has been initiated by the prosecutor, 289 criminal cases have been received from other bodies. Proceeding of 60 criminal cases, terminated or suspended previously, has restarted.
In the reporting period 109 criminal cases have been completed 46 of which on 136 persons have been completed and with the bill of indictment sent to court, proceeding of 63 criminal cases has been terminated. Proceeding of 57 criminal cases has been suspended 49 of which based on the fact that the person having committed the crime is not known, 5 based on the fact that the defendant is hiding from investigation or the location is not known, 3 on other bases. 5 of the cases investigated in the proceeding have been sent to another body, 227 have been combined, 261 criminal cases have passed to the second term of 2022.
In the first term of 2022 41 materials have been prepared in the General Department. Criminal cases have been initiated on 5 of them, initiation of 31 criminal cases has been rejected, 2 have been sent to other bodies.
There are no cases returned for additional investigation, the decisions on termination or suspension of the proceeding as well as rejection of initiation of criminal cases on the prepared materials have not been annulled by the prosecutors.
In the reporting period 63 motions on using detention as a pretrial measure have been submitted to court by the investigators 42 of which have been sufficed, 21 have been rejected. 6 of 63 motions have been against persons under prosecution.
3 of the court decisions on rejection of the motion on using detention as a pretrial measure have been appealed by the prosecutors which however have not been sufficed. Detention against 18 defendants has been replaced with mortgage, in 2 cases extension of detention period has been rejected, detention as a pretrial measure against 7 persons has been replaced or annulled.
Within the completed criminal cases and materials rejected on non-acquittal base in the proceeding out of the pecuniary damage caused to the state - 1.023.736.923 AMD 820.164.923 AMD has been recovered. Out of the damage caused to legal entities - 6.545.000 AMD 3.340.000 AMD has been recovered. Out of the damage caused to natural persons - 35.187.014 AMD 10.125.000 AMD has been recovered at the stage of preliminary investigation.
In the first term of 2022 publicly known cases on
- Organizing mass disorder in “Nubarashen” penitentiary
- Drawing an obviously false conclusion by forensic expert
- Taking bribe by the high-ranking official of the military police of the RA Ministry of Defense
- Abuses committed by the heads of communities of Kasakh, Tsilkar and other communities and their accomplices
- Illegal making and selling weapon by the former employee of the RA Ministry of Defense
- Committing embezzlement, illegal hunting by the director of “Vayots Dzor Forestry” of “Hayantar” SNCO
- Committing swindling, swindling money by cheating from the conscripts’ parents to provide them with false medical diagnoses during the conscription
- Stealing from famous trade centers operating in Yerevan committed by a criminal group (thefts from malls)
- Promoting prosecution at the area known as “TETS circle” in Yerevan
- Murder attempt with weapon committed near “Tokhmakh” cemetery, kidnapping preceding it
- Banditry and murder against Armenian of Diaspora started in Yerevan and completed in the region of Ararat
- Murder committed with weapon next to “Donkikhot” restaurant located in Yerevan and other crimes
- Illegal adoption of the children who are students of orphanages, RA citizens, money laundering and other related crimes
- Preparing murder of Artur Asatryan more known with “ “nickname in Ejmiatsin, Armavir region and other crimes committed by a criminal group
- Hooliganism, murder attempt and other crimes committed by more than 30 persons in Armavir community of Armavir region
- Two mass disorders that took place in May-June in Yerevan
- Disclosing and finding the criminal authorities, criminal group associated with the subculture, illegally keeping weapon, drugs by them
- Cases of large-scale sale of narcotic drugs using computer means and high technology, among them transcontinental, when the web-pages have been managed from abroad and there are already so many volumes and episodes that the need has arisen to perform in-depth analyses but not to count them. As a result, dozens of websites and "fair-platforms" formed from them have stopped to operate the number of followers of which has reached tens of thousands
- Cases of trafficking
- Cases of various crimes committed by means of computer and high technologies – swindling, attacks and so on, the number of cases of the disclosed crimes in each case is over hundred if the disclosures continue at such pace, it will pass thousands and etc.
In the first term of 2022 cases of public interest have been completed in the General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases.
The investigation of cases of the above-described category is ongoing in the General Department.
In the first term of 2022 58 criminal cases have been investigated in the proceeding of General Department of Special Assignments (hereinafter referred to as the General Department) 36 of which have passed from 2021. 8 of the mentioned 58 cases have been completed and with the bill of indictment sent to court, proceeding of 11 cases has been terminated, proceeding of 13 cases has been suspended, 3 have been sent to other bodies, 5 have been combined, 18 have passed to July, 2022.
In the reported period the pecuniary damage of 2.868.000 AMD caused to the state within the investigated criminal cases and materials rejected on non-acquittal base has been completely recovered, 1.897.000 AMD of the pecuniary damage of 9.234.600 AMD caused to the natural persons has been recovered.
18 of 58 criminal cases investigated in the proceeding have been on corruption-related crimes (5 – on the heads of communities) 4 of which have been completed in the reported period. Within the mentioned cases 2.868.000 AMD of the pecuniary damage caused to the state has been recovered, within the rest of the cases a ban has been imposed on properties subject to confiscation.
Pursuant to the new legislation regulations sample forms of relevant investigative and procedural actions and decisions have been developed and put into circulation by the General Department. Considering that the regulation of the RA Criminal Procedure Code related to the conduction of preliminary investigation mostly in an electronic way will enter into force starting from January 1, 2023, a training program and a schedule have been formed by the General Department with participation of the representatives of the relevant company for the investigators of all the subdivisions and the leadership and the trainings have started since 28 June, 2022,
In the reported period, related to the same codes, a new table on the reports related to the pretrial proceeding envisaged by the instruction N 180-Լ of the Chairman of the Committee and the indices has been developed and introduced. The table 1 on monthly statistical data of the subdivisions of the Committee and the table on the investigators’ individual workload have been developed which have been sent to the relevant subdivisions.
The relevant work sent, through the financial observation center of the RA Central Bank “Unified information domain” system from the Committee starting from April, 2022 and received from there, has been assigned to the General Department /previously it had been done by General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases/ after which queries have been sent and the received answers have been given to the relevant persons holding an autonomous position.
In accordance with the forms appendix 1 and appendix 4 established by the board of the RA Central Bank a report on criminal cases, initiated on financing of terrorism and money laundry investigated in the proceeding of the Committee in the first term of 2022, has been submitted to the financial observation center of the RA Central Bank.
In the reported period the monthly reward standards of the persons holding autonomous positions, civil servants, persons holding discretionary positions, persons with an employment contract and performing technical maintenance, as well as the order of the Chairman of the Committee N 133-Լ dated 18.10.2021 have been updated and submitted to the Chairman of the Committee for signature. Pursuant to the mentioned order, each month the assessment sheets of the persons holding autonomous positions received from the subdivisions of the Committee and the report on discrepancies have been submitted to the Chairman of the Committee.
In fulfillment of the assignment of the Chairman of the Committee N 21-Ա dated January 22, 2022, from February 3 to 9, 2022 the working group formed of the employees of the General Department has conducted examinations in the second garrison investigative unit of General Military Investigative Department, from March 3 to 17, 2022 – in the Garrison Department of General Military Investigative Department. From May 11 to 20, 2022 the working group has conducted examinations in the regional investigative departments of Tavush, Lori and Shirak to study the criminal cases investigated for two years and more, to provide methodological support. The working group formed of the employees of the General Department on the base of the assignment of the Chairman of the Committee N 21-Ա dated January 22, 2022, from June 13 to 24, 2022 has conducted examinations in the Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of General Military Investigative Department, as well. The reports related to the examinations have been submitted to the Chairman of the Committee.
Pursuant to the assignments of the Chairman of the Committee N 149-Լ and 117-Լ of 2020, the forensic expertise commissioned within the criminal cases investigated in the subdivisions of the Committee and their conclusions, as well as the information about the precious metals, stones, foreign currency, Armenian dram, checks and securities confiscated within the investigated criminal cases in the first quarter of 2022, handed over to the RA Central Bank for safekeeping have been examined and analyzed each quarter, the brief references formed in this regard have been submitted to the Chairman of the Committee.
Based on the order of the Chairman of the Committee N 115-Լ “On Approving the Clerical Work of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia” dated November 11, 2015, control has been carried out over the compliance with the terms of execution of 166 documents taken under control by the Chairman of the Committee.
Within the framework of the program “electronic preliminary investigation” introduced in the Committee extensive work related to software has been done; particularly, in cases of dismissal of investigators, business trips, change of positions or ranks the relevant change in the program “electronic preliminary investigation”, as well as the provision and cancellation of usernames and passwords have been provided. Through the program 12 usernames and passwords have been opened, closed and changed, work of adding new functions has been done, the examples of forms in the program have been updated, dates of initiation of previously unentered criminal cases and other data have been entered.
Each month the statistical reports on the work done by the subdivisions of the Committee, the statistical data on domestic violence and crimes committed against minors in 2021 has been received, examined and summed up in the General Department. Collection and summery of information and statistical data on the results of the investigation of corruption-related crimes, approved by the order N 1 of the Prosecutor General “On Approving the Methodological Guide of Introduction of Information and Statistical Data about the Results of the Investigation of Corruption-related Crimes” dated January 22, 2018, have been implemented.
In performance of the RA Government’s resolution N 2215-Ն dated December 30, 2020 collection, summery of quarterly non-financial indicators has been carried out. In accordance with the Point 3 of the order N 169-Լ of the Chairman of the Committee dated October 29, 2018 the reference on the deadlines of preliminary investigation of the criminal cases in the proceeding of the bodies and subdivisions of the Committee have been monthly submitted to the Chairman of the Committee based on the data received from the subdivisions of the Committee conducting pretrial proceeding.
In performance of the requirements of the assignment 126-Լ of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee dated August 23, 2019 the information about the criminal cases initiated in the inquest bodies and terminated in the Committee has been summed up.
In accordance with the Point 2 of the Assignment N 180-Լ of the Chairman of the Committee dated December 22, 2021 (incorporation as of 25.04.2022 69-Լ), based on the data received from the bodies and subdivisions of the Committee conducting pretrial proceeding the monthly indicators on the pretrial proceeding have been summed up each month and submitted to the Chairman of the Committee.
Pursuant to the writ N ՔՏՄ/01.2/4137-22 of the head of technical and fire safety inspection body of the RA Urban Planning Committee dated 24.03.2022, on the base of the data received from the bodies and subdivisions of the Committee conducting pretrial proceeding the necessary information about the criminal cases on the fires investigated in the proceeding of the Committee have been submitted to the RA Inspection Body.
Guidance on crime scene inspection tactics and technology, external inspection of the body and forensics tactics have been made and provided to the subdivisions.
In the reporting period, 15 multi-episode criminal cases have been given to the economic and accounting specialists of the Department of Organizational-analytical Activity and Criminalistics to conduct inspections.
Besides, 10 criminal cases examined by the specialists have passed to 2022 from 2021. On the base of the data obtained through investigation and reflected in the documents within 21 of the mentioned criminal cases, inspection protocols as well as appendices as an integral part of the protocol have been made for clarification of the circumstances significant for the criminal cases.
Between 20.06.2022 and 30.06.2022 5 objects have been examined by the expert in construction and technical issues.
Between January and June, 2022, pursuant to the schedule developed together with the personnel department of the Committee, quantitative and qualitative analysis work has been done with 74 applicants using psychological tests developed for the candidates aspiring to the position of investigator in the Committee. An individual conclusion has been made for each candidate and pursuant to the schedule developed with the personnel department, has been given to them.
In the first term of 2022 General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments (hereinafter referred to as General Department) received 784 criminal cases from the RA Prosecutor’s Office, RA Police and other bodies and from territorial subdivisions of the Committee, as well as 6 materials from the inquest body to conduct preliminary investigation which have been examined and sent according to investigative subordination or have been combined to other cases to conduct preliminary investigation in one proceeding. In case there has been no base to send the case according to the territorial subordination, the cases received from territorial subdivisions have been returned.
157 motions, related to the breaches, omissions made by the bodies conducting pretrial proceeding, have been submitted to the Chairman to conduct preliminary examination in the Department of Internal Security and 9 operational consultations related to the conclusion of already conducted preliminary examination have been held in the General Department.
26 drafts on changes and additions in the orders, assignments of the Chairman of the Committee, as well as in a number of other legal acts have been examined and an opinion on them has been submitted.
5 queries received from the RA human rights defender have been studied and proceeded within the specified period, 526 applications have been received and considered. The significant part of the applications has been considered in the General Department, and already considered applications containing mediation elements have been sent to the body conducting proceeding. In case of necessity personal reception of applicants has been organized in the General Department or the heads of territorial subdivisions have been assigned to organize reception.
763 queries and writs received from the RA Prime Minister's Office, several state and self-government bodies, bodies, organizations of justice, mass media have been considered and proceeded in the General Department, 2172 writs have been received from territorial subdivisions.
By the assignment of the Chairman of the Committee control has been set over the process of the criminal cases on corruption-related crimes committed in several spheres of state government which have periodically studied and proposals have been submitted for regulation of systemic problems. The employees of the General Department have been involved in the commissions and working groups formed by the orders of the Chairman of the Committee.
In accordance with the order N 14-Ա of the Deputy Chairman coordinating the sphere dated January 2, 2022, in the first term of 2022 working groups have been formed in Yerevan Investigative Department and subordinate divisions, as well as in regional investigative departments and have gone to territorial subdivisions on business trips to carry out inspections and a report on the results has been submitted to the Chairman of the Committee.
In the first term of 2022 the employees of the General Department have done other assignments of the Chairman of the Committee and the Deputy Chairman coordinating the sphere.
In the first term of 2022 23 drafts of legal acts have been considered in General Military Investigative Department of the Committee (hereinafter referred to as Department) on which opinions have been given and proposals have been submitted to improve the RA legislation in the spheres related to the activity of the Committee.
72 criminal cases, 51 materials and 5 reports have been received from the prosecutorial, inquest and investigation bodies, studied and sent according to subordination.
By the assignment of the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, the Head of General Military Investigative Department and his deputies 117 criminal cases have been studies, 114 assignments have been prepared by the employees of the Control Department to conduct investigative and other procedural actions within the criminal cases. 128 applications and motions have been received from citizens 110 of which have been considered in the Control Department, in cases prescribed by law, 18 have been sent to the investigative body for consideration.
The organization of reception of citizens without prior queuing continued in the Control Department – 14 receptions (among them the citizens who had turned to the Committee, several subdivisions of the main headquarters of the armed forces of the Ministry of Defense and so on).
The cooperation with a number of departments of the Ministry of Defense, envisaged by the legal acts, has been provided, 57 various queries have been received from the mentioned subdivisions and in relation to them relevant clarifications have been given, by the initiative of the Control Department information about more than 300 employees of the RA Ministry of Defense and Main Headquarters of the Armed Forces has been provided to the Personnel Department. Besides, information about the officers involved as a defendant in the given month has been submitted each month.
58 queries received from several bodies, organizations, reporters have also been considered in the Department and in relation to them necessary clarifications have been given.
In the result of initial studies received from the Department of Internal Security of the Committee 32 considerations have been organized.
In order to enhance the quality of investigation and to ensure the work discipline, drafts of 5 assignments and orders of the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Head of General Military Investigative Department have been prepared which are currently in operation.
Within the criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of garrison investigative units, though the department’s motion, 5 professional inspections have been carried out by the employees of the relevant subdivision of the Ministry of Defense.
Within the fatal cases the implementation of the relevant work with the legal successors of the victims has been ensured by the relevant employees of the department. The employees have also been involved in the investigative groups formed within the cases and have done the group leader’s assignments to conduct more than 20 actions. Besides, one employee of the Contorl Department has done 28 assignments of conducting separate investigative actions received from the subordinate units.
During the business trips organized to the garrison investigative units the activity of the units, the efficiency of the implementation of procedural and organizational authorities by the investigators and heads of the subdivisions have been studied, the shortcomings have been risen, analyzed and summed up, within specific criminal cases 1199 necessary methodological assistance has been provided.
Monthly and semi-annual reports on the work done have been received from subordinate subdivisions, summed up and have been submitted to the General Department on Special Assignments of the Committee.
The employees of the Control Department have also done other assignments of the Deputy Chairman, Head of General Military Investigative Department and his deputies.
In the first term of 2022 715 motions have been received in the Department of Internal Security of the Committee (hereinafter referred to as DIS), 333 initial studies, 35 examinations have been conducted, 34 applications have been proceeded.
In the result of 10 initial studies out of 333 on the motions received from the RA Prosecutor’s Office the Chairman of the Committee submitted a motion to the Disciplinary Commission. Through investigation of 6 motions made in the result of the initiated disciplinary proceedings the fact of breaches made by the person holding autonomous position and his guilt has been confirmed. In 1 case "warning" disciplinary penalty has been used against 2 persons holding autonomous positions, "reprimand" disciplinary penalty has been used against 3 persons, "dismissal" disciplinary penalty has been used in 1 case, in 4 cases disciplinary proceeding against 5 persons has not been initiated yet. Penalties have been used against 31 persons holding autonomous positions by the Chairman of the Committee – 11 warnings, 20 reprimands. In the result of studies of 213 motions bases for initiation of disciplinary proceeding have not been found, initial study of 78 motions have passed to the next term.
In the result of 1 motion of 32 initial studies conducted out of 34 motions received from the bodies and subdivisions of the Committee the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee has used “Reprimand” disciplinary penalty, in the result of studies of 27 motions no bases to initiate a disciplinary proceeding have been found, 5 initial studies have passed to the next term, 1 initial study has been suspended.
In the first term of 2022 1 proceeding of initial study formerly suspended has restarted and has been completed on the ground of the lack of bases to initiate a disciplinary proceeding in the employees’ behavior.
In general 9 motions on initiating a disciplinary proceeding against 10 persons holding autonomous position in the Committee have been submitted. In the result of 5 disciplinary proceedings 5 persons have been subjected to disciplinary liability – “warning” has been used against 2 of them, “reprimand” has been used against 2 and “dismissal” has been used against 1. No person holding autonomous position in the Committee has been acquitted by the decision of the Disciplinary Commission. Within 4 motions (against 5 persons) sent to the Disciplinary commission by the Chairman of the Committee, as of 30 June, 2022, no decision has been made.
Thus, in the result of initial studies conducted in the first term of 2022 in the DIS penalties have been used against 38 persons holding autonomous positions in the Committee for breaching criminal procedure norms as well as disciplinary breaches (in 2021 – against 8) - ,warning” has been used against 13, “reprimand” – against 24, “dismissal” – against 1.
In the first term of 2022 21 drafts of law have been developed by the Legal Department of the Investigative Committee 6 of which (the law “On the amendments in the RA Criminal Code” through which 3rd part has been added to the Article 326 of RA Criminal Code, the law “On the amendments in the RA Criminal Code” through which addition has been made in the title as well as in the second part of the Article 236 of the Criminal Code, the law “On the amendments in the RA Criminal Procedure Code” and in the result of the amendment made in the Article 40 of the Criminal Procedure Code the leader of the Investigative Committee, in order to provide the proper organization of the investigation, including its efficiency, shall carry out the transfer of proceeding from one investigator to another without making a procedural decision, without a written consent of the superior prosecutor if it has led to a change in the place of investigation, the law “On the amendments in the RA Criminal Procedure Code” through which a change has been made in the procedure to restart the proceedings of criminal cases in six months period by the investigator’s or prosecutor’s decision envisaged by the Article 431 of RA Criminal Code (Transitional provisions), postponing the implementation of the mentioned actions for a period of one year, that is July 1, 2023, the law “On amendments in the law on “the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia” through which in performance of the application of the new RA Criminal Procedure Code settings in appointing officials in the Committee for a period of one year conditioned with the reduction of positions of the employees of the inquest body, among them settings in their pension security were provided by law, the law “On amendments in the law on the Academy of Justice of the Republic of Armenia and in the result of the change made in the Article 23 (Trial period) it was defined that the three months’ trial period in the effect until then for the persons included in the list of candidates of investigators of the Committee has been reduced and defined a month) have been adopted by the National Assembly and on 09.06.2022 have been signed by the RA President, 15 are still circulating.
Some of them are law drafts “On the amendments in the RA Criminal Procedure Code”, “On the amendments in the RA Criminal Code”, law drafts “On amendments in the law on weapon” and the law “On the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia through which the weapon types given to the persons holding autonomous positions in the Committee are clarified, the law draft on the RA Law “On making changes in the law “On the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia” through which the class ranks planned for the persons holding autonomous positions in the Committee are scheduled to change matching them with the titles. At the same time it is planned to make a change – change the upper and lower bounds of the higher class degrees (titles) raising by one degree, the law draft “On making amendments in the law on the remuneration of persons holding state positions and civil service positions through which it is planned to pay a monthly supplement to the person holding autonomous position in the Committee, as a person holding a position that is particularly risky, complicated and requires specialization, in the amount of 100 percent of the official rate, the law draft “on making amendments in the law on the Academy of Justice” through which besides the representatives of the RA Ministry of Justice, RA Prosecutor’s Office and the judicial system, the representatives of the Committee shall also be involved in the management board of the academy, law drafts “On making amendments in the law on the bodies of national security”, “RA Investigative Committee and “Anti-Corruption Committee” through which it is planned to involve the Committee in the list of users of RA border electronic management information system, as well.
Besides, in the reporting period 6 drafts of the decisions of the RA Government and the RA Prime Minister have been developed.
91 drafts of legal act have been developed, circulated by the Department and submitted for signature of the Chairman of the Committee, Deputies Chairman of the Committee and 6 drafts of legal acts of the Chairman of the Committee is at the stage of consideration.
Besides, 33 drafts of order on amendments and supplements in the orders on labor division between the employees of the regional investigative departments and Yerevan investigative department and its subdivisions in relation to the appointments and dismissals have been developed in the Department and submitted for signature of the Deputy Chairman of the Committee.
About 34 legal acts of the Chairman of the Committee on amendments, supplements and termination of the action have also been developed.
4 drafts of legal acts of the Secretary General of the Committee have been prepared in the Department.
“The Clerical Work of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia, the forms and record forms used in the clerical work, the procedure of development, circulation, of drafts of legal acts of the RA Investigative Committee, registration of legal acts, notification and the draft of the order of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee on “Approving the circulation procedure of the seals, stamps of the RA Investigative Committee” and “Approving the procedure of citizens’ reception in the RA Investigative Committee” has been edited together with the Department of Protocol and Organizational Affairs of the Committee which is also at the stage of consideration.
Opinion has been given on drafts of 229 legal acts received from other bodies.
In the reporting period, representing the interests of the Committee in the courts of the Republic of Armenia, responses to claims, objections, positions have been formed and submitted to courts, attendance at court sessions have been ensured by the Department.
Training programs, schedules for the students of the Academy of Justice involved in the list of candidates for the persons holding autonomous position in the Committee, the training programs, additional training programs and standards have been developed and submitted, as well as continuous cooperation has been carried out with the Academy of Justice, including in the selection of teaching staff.
Besides, draft of decisions of the Qualification Committee has been developed and submitted which have been signed by the Qualification Committee of the Committee.
Information on eligibility of the Committee has been provided related to more than a dozen queries. A number of writs have been considered and answered, among them ones sent from other facilities, organizations (also as a second performer).
Reports on performance of actions rising from several strategies (program of 2019-2022 events of performance of the RA Anti-Corruption strategy approved by the RA Government’s Decision N1332-Ն dated October 3, 2019, program of actions of reforms strategy of the RA Police for 2020-2022 approved by the RA Government’s decision N 638-Լ dated April 23, 2020 and so on), responses to writs have been submitted, other information has been provided, as well as participations in various discussions have been carried out in working order.
In the reporting period, being led by the requirements of the Point 1 of the Part 1 of the Article 146 of the Constitutional Law “Judicial Code of the Republic of Armenia”, reports have been submitted to the authorized body (RA Ministry of Justice) to initiate disciplinary proceedings against judges.
Participation in various interdepartmental working groups has been ensured, including discussions, representation has been made at discussions organized by NGOs and other bodies and organizations.
Each week the issues on the activity of the Committee, involved in the agenda of the RA Government’s session, have been studied.
The work of inserting drafts of legal acts in the unified website for publication of drafts of legal acts ( has been done.
In the first term of 2022 127 queries received from authorized bodies of foreign countries have been considered in the Division of Provision of International Queries of the Committee 19 of which have been fulfilled, 5 have been performed partially (based on the persons’ absence from the RA area), 1 query has been left unfulfilled on the base of the writ of the initiator related to the fact that the necessity has been eliminated, 102 queries have passed to the second term of 2022.
261 queries on legal assistance have been submitted to the authorized bodies of foreign states for consideration 197 of which, after being supplemented and translated, have been sent to the authorized bodies of the foreign states, 45 queries, which had been returned for supplementation, have not been received any more, as of June 30, 2022, 19 queries are at the stage of translation.
The requirements of 21 queries out of 197 ones have been fulfilled by the authorized bodies of the foreign states, as of June 30, 2022 176 queries are at the execution stage.
Besides, in the first term of 2022 process of 89 queries sent to the authorized bodies of foreign states between 2014 and 2020 has been solved in the Division 70 of which have been fulfilled, necessity of execution of 3 queries has been eliminated at the initiator’s requirement, 2 queries have been performed partially, performance of 14 queries has been rejected – 3 on the basis of lesser importance (the USA), 5 – based on the fact that the initiator has not provided additional information requested by the US competent body, 6 - on the base of contravention of legislation of the given state (on the base that the requested information is freedom of speech protected by the US Constitution) and 160 more queries sent to the authorized bodies of foreign states between 2014 and 2021, as of June 30, 2022, are still at the execution stage.
Besides the performance of the main functions, 8 criminal proceedings have been investigated by the employees of the Division 3 of which have passed from 2021. After being translated 4 of the mentioned proceedings have been sent to other subdivisions of the Committee, 4 have passed to the second term of 2022.
Extensive work has been done in personnel policy sphere, particularly in replenishment of vacant positions.
In the first term of 2022 18 candidates involved in the candidates’ list of the employees have been appointed for service in the Committee 7 of which have formerly held autonomous position in the Committee.
In the reported period 37 persons holding autonomous position have been dismissed 35 of which based on the written application, 1 on the base of reaching age limit, 1 – in case of imposing dismissal from office as a disciplinary penalty.
As of June 30, 2022, there are 92 vacant positions. 85 of those holding autonomous position in the Committee are women.
261 applicants out of 288 ones have taken the three examinations held to replenish the candidates’ list of persons holding autonomous position in the Committee in the first term of 2022, by the decision of the Qualification Commission of the Committee a positive conclusion has been made on 104. 76 candidates have been subject to training at the Academy of Justice, the training of one candidate has been transferred to 2023 pursuant to the latter’s personal application. Actually, 77 candidates in 3 groups have taken part in the training. 1 group with 23 members 22 of which have finished the course, a motion on 1 has been submitted to remove him from the list of persons holding autonomous position in the Committee.
In the first term of 2022 33 persons holding autonomous positions in the Committee have been rewarded with administrative rewards.
By the orders of the Chairman of the Committee 142 persons holding autonomous position in the Committee have been encouraged for the proper implementation of service duties and tasks, special indicators.
Persons holding autonomous position in the Committee have been rewarded from the reward fund envisaged by the state budget of the first term of 2022 in 3.153 cases (monetary- according to months).
By the orders of the Chairman of the Committee 58 employees of other departments have been rewarded for efficient cooperation with the Committee.
33 persons holding autonomous position have been subjected to disciplinary penalty1 2 of them – twice.
As of July 1, 2022 service duties of 3 persons holding autonomous position in the Committee have been suspended.
In the first term of 2022 43 persons have been appointed to office in the support units of the Committee, 31 persons have been dismissed.
By the orders of the Chairman of the Committee and the Secretary General 235 civil servants and persons working on a contractual basis have been encouraged for conscientious performance of their duties.
1.687 civil servants and persons working on a contractual basis have been rewarded from the reward fund envisaged by the state budget of the first term of 2022.
2 civil servants have been subjected to disciplinary penalty.