    24.09.19, 14:46

    Presentation of Unit «Electronic Library» of «Electronic Investigation» Program Held (photos)

    Presentation of Unit «Electronic Library» of «Electronic Investigation» Program Held (photos)

    Presentation of “Electronic Library” of program “Electronic Investigation” headed by the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the U.S. to Armenia Lynne Tracy was held today.

    Greeting the guests IC Chairman emphasized that within the constant improvement of the program “Electronic Investigation” with the support of the U.S. Embassy the unit “Electronic Library” was also introduced in the program “Electronic Investigation” to develop professional skills of investigators and to provide the application of international documents in the sphere of human rights.

    “It is noteworthy that since the establishment of the Investigative Committee partnership between the Committee and U.S. Embassy has been continuous. Due to this partnership it was possible to digitalize the criminal cases in the Committee, to introduce internal net in the bodies and subdivisions of the Committee, to establish electronic archive for terminated cases, the ones sent to court, to have online access to information databases of other administrations, to introduce electronic system for transmitting court decisions and decoding with communication operators, to launch “Electronic Investigation” program”, emphasized Hayk Grigoryan.

    He mentioned that “Electronic Investigation” program is a digital platform for each investigator where the criminal cases investigated by investigator find place.

    It should be noted that the program gives the immediate superior supervising the investigator’s work an opportunity to see decisions and protocols made within the criminal case investigated by the investigator, to conduct electronic statistics, to get online information about criminal cases initiated in the Committee, their progress and completion as well as defendants involved within criminal cases.

    The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the U.S. to Armenia Lynne Tracy mentioned that she was pleased to take part in presentation of unit “Electronic Library”. "I am pleased to join IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan to formally dedicate an electronic library which is one of the most important components of the IC's electronic investigation system – donated by U.S. Embassy Yerevan's Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.  The United States is committed to a partnership with the IC to assist the Armenian justice sector in becoming more modern, transparent and effective."

    U.S. Ambassador emphasized that they want to help Armenia build the best law enforcement system, “It is in this spirit that Yerevan's Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs has partnered with the IC over the past five years.  We have sponsored technological changes that have improved how the IC performs investigations, providing equipment including scanners, servers and intranet installations.  And of course, we have supported the development of the electronic library, which already serves as an integral part of Armenia's electronic investigation system. In addition to these technological improvements, we also applaud the IC for its enthusiasm for learning more about how the United States and western countries address important human rights-related issues», mentioned the Ambassador. 

    She thanked the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan for kind reception and marking a new milestone in the partnership.