Newsfeed from General Military Investigative Department
06.03.20, 14:16

Results of Activity of RA General Military Investigative Department in 2019 Summed up (photos)

Results of Activity of RA General Military Investigative Department in 2019 Summed up (photos)

On March 6 summery of activity results of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee in 2019 headed by the RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan was held.

Secretary of the RA Security Council Armen Grigoryan, RA Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan, Interim Director of the RA National Security Service Eduard Martirosyan, Chief of the Fourth Department of the RA NSS Levon Shahumyan, Interim Chief of Military Police of the RA Ministry of Defense Alexander Aghajanyan and Interim Head of the Department of Moral and Psychological Support of General Headquarter of the Armed Forces Ara Sargsyan were present at the summery-discussion.

During the summery deputies head of General Department of Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee G. Mailyan and A. Aslanyan presented the activity results of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee in 2019 during which the work done was analyzed, omissions and shortcomings were outlined as well as proposals to abolish them were submitted.

The Head of the Control Department of the RA IC General Military Investigative Department Perch Ayvazyan presented the crime state in the RA Armed Forces, its structure and dynamics, as well as the results of the analyses in 2019. The problems were outlined and specific proposals were submitted to solve them, particularly to prevent deaths in the army.

There was an active discussion during which importance was attached to the cooperation between interested structures to fight against crime in the RA Armed Forces, as well as to prevent penetration of criminal subculture in the Armed Forces, to work out a joint mechanism to eradicate such manifestations.

Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee, Head of General Military Investigative Department Artak Krkyasharyan mentioned in his speech that efficiency and proper quality of preliminary investigation as well as increasing level of public confidence towards the investigative body were priority issues.

Summing up the discussion the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee H. Grigoryan gave specific instructions to enhance the efficiency of the work.