17.11.18, 09:13

42 Million AMD out of Damage Caused to State Restored (video)

Comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of circumstances of corruption-related crimes in several spheres is ongoing in the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia.

In 2018 125 criminal cases were initiated in subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee on receiving illegal payment by a public servant who is not an official and giving illegal payment to a public servant who is not an official. Some of the criminal cases were joint in one proceeding.

The criminal cases relate to cases with apparent crime elements envisaged by the Articles 311.1, 312.1 as well as the Articles 178, 179 and 325 of RA Criminal Code.  

As of November 13, 2018, the damage caused within 5 completed criminal cases and 60 criminal cases under investigation is 555.165.544 AMD 42.000.000 AMD of which was restored.

In order to ensure the restoration of damage caused to the state 18 bank accounts, 35 real estate and 6 cars of defendants within criminal cases were put under seizure.

Charge was pressed against 70 employees of Territorial Agency of Social Assistance, 21 employees of “Haypost” CJSC and 3 employees of “Care House N 1” CJSC.

1 criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to court. A decision was made to terminate proceeding of 4 criminal cases. 2 of them were terminated on acquitting base in accordance with the Article 37 and the Point 6 of the Part 1 of the Article 35 of RA Criminal Procedure Code, 2 – on non-acquitting base – on the base of absence of crime element.

The damage caused within the terminated criminal cases was 674.000 AMD which was completely restored.

All necessary investigatory and procedural actions are conducted within the criminal cases to clarify the frame of those possibly related to abuses, to personalize their actions, to give appropriate criminal legal assessment to their actions, as well as to find out the real volume of the damage caused to the state and to restore it.