06.09.18, 07:59

Charge Pressed against Three People for Banditry

Charge Pressed against Three People for Banditry

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Lori Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee measures are taken to find out all circumstances of banditry committed with weapon or other items used as weapon.

The resident of Lori province submitted a report informing that he and two more men with prior agreement to swindle somebody else’s property in significant amount on September 1, 2018 at about 20:00 at the area called “Arjitala” in Lori attacked the resident of Lori A. Aghajanyan and using violence dangerous for life and health that is hitting the latter with wood on different parts of his body stole his golden chain, golden ring and money.

On September 2, 2018 a criminal case was initiated in Lori Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Points 1 and 4 of the Part 2 of the Article 175 of RA Criminal Code.

Through preliminary investigation it was found out that three men having committed the alleged crime reached prior agreement to swindle the property of the warden of buildings located at the area called «Arjitala» A. Aghajanyan, distributed roles.

According to materials of the criminal case next day at about 12:00 they left for the area called «Arjitala» in a taxi. One of the men, who had submitted a report, met the warden at the nearest beerhouse, they had alcohol together. Being informed that A. Aghajanyan had a golden chain and ring with him the man talked with the other two men on the phone and they arranged to attack A. Aghajanyan with masks as soon as he approached home and steal his golden jewelry.

At about 20:00 when A. Aghajanyan was approaching his house the person who had submitted a report hit him on the back after which the other two masked men armed with wood also came out of the shelter and using violence dangerous for A. Aghajanyan's life and health hit the latter with wood on different parts of his body, stole his golden chain, golden ring and money then dragged him to his flat and fled.

Besides, through investigation it was also found out that the mentioned people entered the building warded by A. Aghajanyan and stole different items from there, as well.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against three men for banditry by illegal entering an apartment, warehouse or facility, by using a weapon or other item as weapon. They gave testimonies. Two of them admitted their guilt partially.

Through search conducted as prescribed by law the stolen golden ring and golden chain were found in the work place of one of them and confiscated.

The investigator submitted a motion to court to choose detention as a pretrial measure against them. The motion was sufficed.

Forensic examinations were commissioned to find out circumstances significant for the criminal case. Inspection of the scene was conducted with participation of one of those having committed the alleged crime during which he described the circumstances, place of banditry in details. The items stolen from the building warded by A. Aghajanyan were found and confiscated.  Confrontations were conducted, the circumstances mentioned in the testimonies were verified.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Necessary measures are taken to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.