17.12.15, 17:03

Criminal cases initiated on voting instead of another person in different polling stations in Shirak region

Criminal cases initiated on voting instead of another person in different polling stations in Shirak region

In the result of materials prepared on the base of calls on breaches recorded during referendum on Constitutional reforms held on December 6, 2015 received in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee 4 criminal cases were initiated on voting instead of another person.


_ On December 6 the copy of the article entitled “Somebody else voted instead of a citizen in Gyumri” published in news site “” was received in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. During preparation of materials it was found that another citizen, who voted through identification card, had signed in the voters list before the name of the voter of polling station N 35/37 Nazeli Baghdasaryan. Considering that in the materials there are apparent features of crime envisaged by the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code a criminal case was initiated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code on voting instead of another person.

_ On December 6 the copy of the article entitled “Voting instead of a person who is in RF” published in news site “” was received in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee informing that somebody else had voted instead of a person who was in the Russian Federation. During preparation of materials in the investigative department it was found that before the name of Ashot Harutyunyan involved in the voters list of polling station N 35/28 a signature and passport data were found by the latter’s brother. Considering that in the materials there are apparent features of crime envisaged by the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code a criminal case was initiated according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code on voting instead of another person.

_ On December 6, 2015 the article entitled “Citizens’ newsfeed according to “Citizen Observer” initiative” published in news site “” was received in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee on the base of which materials were prepared. It was found that on December 6, 2015 the voter of polling station N 35/35 A. Matevosyan went to the mentioned polling station to take part in voting in referendum on Constitutional reforms and noticed that there were data on participating in elections before the name of his son Hovhannes Matevosyan who was involved in the voters list and was in the Russian Federation. Considering that in the materials there are apparent features of crime envisaged by the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code a criminal case was initiated according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code.

_ In the result of examination of the article entitled in the same way “Citizens’ newsfeed according to “Citizen Observer” initiative” published in news site “” on December 6, 2015 materials were prepared  on voting instead of another person in polling station N 34/06. It was found that somebody else had voted instead of Susanna Gevorgyan involved in the voters list of polling station N 34/06, her relatives Gagik and Vaghinak Gevorgyans who were not in Armenia. Considering that in the materials there are apparent features of crime envisaged by the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code a criminal case was initiated according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code.

Necessary actions are conducted by the investigators of Shirak Regional Investigative Department to find the circumstances of the mentioned cases, as well as to identify persons having committed the apparent crime.

Thus, 23 criminal cases are investigated in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee on voting instead of another person in different polling stations. 6 more criminal cases initiated in the RA Investigative Committee (3 according to the Article 150 of RA Criminal Code, 3 according to the Article 149 of RA Criminal Code) were sent to the RA Special Investigatory Service according to investigative subordination.