16.12.15, 15:20

Five more criminal cases initiated on voting instead of another person in different polling stations of Arabkir administrative district

Five more criminal cases initiated on voting instead of another person in different polling stations of Arabkir administrative district

In the result of preparation of materials based on the calls received in the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district of the RA Investigative Committee on breaches recorded during referendum on Constitutional reforms held on December 6, 2015 five more criminal cases were initiated on voting instead of another person in different polling stations.


_On December 6, 2015 information was received from Police Headquarter of Yerevan in Police Station of Arabkir informing that an unidentified person had voted instead of another person. Necessary measures were taken in the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district to find the circumstance mentioned in the report, to identify the person instead of whom somebody else had voted. During preparation of materials citizen Gayane Gyulnazaryan submitted an explanation and a report informing that she had gone to polling station N 4/26 to take part in referendum on Constitutional reforms held on December 6, 2015 where she found that somebody else had voted instead of her.

A criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code. Preliminary investigation is conducted.

_On December 6, 2015 information was received from Police Headquarter of Yerevan in Police Station of Arabkir informing that an unidentified person had voted instead of another person in polling station N 5/21. On the base of the call materials were prepared in the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district during which the voter of the mentioned precinct Artashes Tarkhanyan submitted an explanation telling that he had gone to polling station N 5/21 to take part in referendum on constitutional reforms held on December 6, 2015 where he found that somebody else had already voted instead of him. A criminal case was initiated according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code. Preliminary investigation is conducted.

In the result of examination of the calls on voting instead of other persons in the same polling station two more counts were found; citizens Albert Simonyan and Vahagn Danielyan submitted explanations, then written reports, as well informing that they had gone to polling station N 5/21 to take part in referendum where they found that somebody else had already voted instead of them. Criminal cases were initiated on voting instead of A. Simonyan and V. Danielyan in polling station N 5/21.

_ On December 7, 2015 citizen Viktoria Avakova called “Hot Line” service of the RA Police and informed that somebody else had signed before her name in the voters list of polling station N 5/30. During preparation of materials in the investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district Viktoria Avakova submitted a report and explanation informing that she had gone to polling station N 5/30 to take part in referendum on Constitutional reforms held on December 6, 2015 where she saw that somebody else had signed before her name in the voters list. A criminal case was initiated according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code. Preliminary investigation is conducted.

Thus, criminal cases were initiated in polling stations N 4/26, 5/21 and 5/30 on voting instead of other citizens.