15.05.15, 06:15

Necessary measures taken to apprehend all the participants and possible participants of the incident to the investigative body

Necessary measures taken to apprehend all the participants and possible participants of the incident to the investigative body

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on hooliganism that took place on May 2 in the area called “Sdghi Gyol” in Goris is ongoing in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of RA Investigative Committee in the framework of which necessary investigatory and procedural measures are taken to find the objective reality.

With the purpose of finding the suspected persons their flats have been inspected for many times during preliminary investigation. Taking the public interest into consideration we inform that a written answer has been received from the Police adjunct to RA Government telling that the persons who were to be apprehended to the investigative body in accordance with the decision made by the investigator cannot be apprehended as they have not been in the country since May 8. The investigative body has taken and is taking all the measures provided by law to apprehend all the participants and possible participants of the incident to the investigative body.

In accordance with the investigative plan of actions and measures to be taken in the framework of the criminal case, the Investigative Committee takes all the necessary steps to find all the circumstances of the committed crime. More detailed information on the results cannot be publicized at this stage of preliminary investigation out of interests of investigation. At the same time, taking the public interest into consideration, the public will be informed about procedural decisions made on the result of the investigation.