08.02.16, 14:11

Person having voted instead of another person in polling station N 11/03 identified

Person having voted instead of another person in polling station N 11/03 identified

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on voting more than once in polling station N 11/03 was completed in the Investigative Division of Shengavit administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. In the result of investigatory actions the person having committed the apparent crime was identified.

On December 6 a report and photos were published in the site of “Transparency International Anticorruption Center” informing that “The person in the photo dressed in different clothes voted twice” in polling station N 11/03.

A criminal case was initiated on the mentioned apparent breach according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code (voting more than once or instead of another person) preliminary investigation of which was completed in the Investigative Division of Shengavit administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department.

In the result of investigatory actions conducted in the framework of the criminal case the person in the photo was identified; he is a resident of the mentioned electoral district M. Avdalyan.

According to investigation data, being involved in voter list of polling station N 11/03, on the morning of December 6, 2015 M. Avdalyan went to the polling station and participated in referendum on Constitutional reforms through his identity card. 

Through investigation sufficient data were obtained on the allegation that after participating in voting he again went to the polling station and telling his friend’s data involved in the voter list presented his passport, received his ballot and voted instead of another person.

On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against M. Avdalyan according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code for voting instead of another person. Signature not to leave was chosen as a pretrial measure against him.

The criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.