15.01.16, 09:11

Person who had attempted to vote instead of another person at polling station N 8/25 identified; preliminary investigation completed

Person who had attempted to vote instead of another person at polling station N 8/25 identified; preliminary investigation completed

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in the Investigative Division of Malatia-Sebastia administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee the person who had attempted to vote instead of another person at polling station N 8/25 was identified.

On December 6, 2015 an article, informing that in polling station N 8/25 located in school N 112 the voter had voted twice and the election commission had not recorded the breach, was published in the site “Transparency International” Anticorruption Center.

In the result of measure taken to verify the circumstances mentioned in the call, it was found that on December 6, 2015 from 12:00 to 14:00 an unidentified person, approaching the member of the election commission of polling station N 8/25 Mayis Harutyunyan, gave his passport and the package to the latter to seal during which M. Harutyunyan noticed that the mentioned person had already voted as there was already a stamp in the passport of the mentioned person and called the head of the commission. At that moment the young man took his passport and left the polling station quickly. The mentioned fact was recorded in the voting register of polling station N 8/25.

In the framework of the criminal case initiated in the Investigative Division of Malatia-Sebastia administrative district necessary investigatory actions were conducted to find all the circumstances of the case, to identify the person having committed the apparent crime.

In the result of conducted actions the person who had attempted to vote more than once at polling station N 8/25 was identified.

According to preliminary investigation data, attempt to vote more than once at the mentioned polling station was committed by a voter of polling station N 8/20, G. Khachatryan.

According to the obtained evidence on December 6, 2015 the latter went to his polling station N 8/20, participated in referendum then he went to polling station N 8/25 and attempted to vote there, as well. However, he could not accomplish the crime under unforeseen circumstances.

On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against G. Khachatryan according to the Article 34-153 of RA Criminal Code.

The criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.