29.01.20, 08:02

Theft from Apartment of Yerevan Resident as well as Willful Destruction of Latter's Car Disclosed; Charge Pressed against Three Persons

Theft from Apartment of Yerevan Resident as well as Willful Destruction of Latter's Car Disclosed; Charge Pressed against Three Persons

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions of great volume conducted in the Investigative Division of Shengavit administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee theft committed from the apartment of Yerevan resident as well as willful destruction of the latter's car was disclosed. Charge was pressed against three persons.

Through preliminary investigation conducted within the criminal case a number of circumstances of the case were found out, the persons having committed the alleged crime were identified; they are residents of Yerevan, born in 1993, 1996 and 1995.

Pursuant to data obtained through investigation the resident of Yerevan, born in 1993, reaching prior agreement on stealing somebody else's property with two residents of Yerevan, born in 1996 and 1995, on August 7, 2019 from 02:00 to 05:00 illegally entered the cellar of one of the apartments located in Chekhov Street of Yerevan then the mentioned apartment and stole several types of valuable items.

Besides, 26 year-old man took the key of the car of «Toyota Yaris» make from the kitchen table of the mentioned apartment which was parked behind the house, went out of the apartment and with prior agreement with the above-mentioned young men, without purpose of stealing, gained illegal control of the car, drove it to under a bridge located in Kotayk province where he destroyed it by arson causing pecuniary damage in particularly large amount, 18.018.000 AMD, in total.  

During preliminary investigation a number of necessary investigatory and procedural actions were conducted. Through search conducted in 26 year-old young man's residence a combat bullet of 7,62մմ /7,62x39/ mm of factory production was found. A new criminal case was initiated which was joint to the criminal case investigated on the above mentioned cases.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against 26 year-old young man according to the Points 1, 1.1 of the Part 3 of the Article 177, the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 183, the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 185 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code. Charge was pressed against 23 and 24 year-old young men according to the Points 1, 1.1 of the Part 3 of the Article 177, the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 183 and the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 185 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was used as a pretrial measure against them.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.