18.12.15, 13:50

Two more criminal cases initiated on voting instead of another person received in Shirak Regional Investigative Department

Two more criminal cases initiated on voting instead of another person received in Shirak Regional Investigative Department

Two criminal cases initiated on voting instead of another person by Mush Police Station of Gyumri of the RA Police were received in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.

The reasons for initiation of the criminal cases were the publications entitled “Absent persons go on participating in voting actively” inserted in the news site “” and “Gyumri; Your absent relatives have already “voted” inserted in the news site “”. 

Through the materials prepared on the base of mass media calls criminal cases were initiated in the police station on voting instead of another person in polling stations N 34/01 and N 34/19 according to the Article 153 of RA Criminal Code.

On December 18 the criminal cases were received in Shirak Regional Investigative Department and were received in the investigators’ proceeding.

Thus, as of December 18, 26 criminal cases initiated on voting instead of another person in different polling stations are investigated in the investigative subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee. 8 more criminal cases initiated in the RA Investigative Committee (5 criminal cases initiated according to the Article 150 of RA Criminal Code, 3 - according to the Article 149 of RA Criminal Code) were sent to the RA Special Investigatory Service according to investigative subordination.