    04.07.22, 06:07

    Within Criminal Case on Hooliganism Committed with Weapon in Armavir Community Charge Pressed against 29 Persons; Preliminary Investigation Completed (video)

    In the result of large-scale investigative and other procedural actions conducted in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee all circumstances of hooliganism committed with weapon in Armavir community were found out; charge was pressed against 29 persons.

    Through comprehensive investigation factual data were obtained on the allegation that 29 year-old young man living in the Russian Federation, in connection with problems arisen because of the argument on domestic matters between his friend and 28 year-old resident of the RA Armavir province had been in tense relations with the latter. During the clarifications on the mentioned issues made abroad there had been quarrels between the parties after which on November 4, 2021 29 year-old man and his friend aiming to publicly punish the resident of Armavir returned to the Republic of Armenia.

    For this purpose on November 19, 2021 29 year-old man and his uncle gathered their supporters, armed them with metal and wooden bars, pistols after which, pursuant to prior agreement on publicly punishing the resident of Armavir, the members of the group found out the number of his supporters and his location.

    During that period 28 year-old resident of Armavir and two of 29 year-old man’s supporters had telephone conversations however no clarifications were made. After it 28 year-old man with the intent to publicly punish the young man who had arrived from Russia, gathered his supporters at the office located in Jivani Street of Armavir waiting the opposite party armed with blackjacks, pistols and other items.

    Through investigation it was found out that 29 year-old man and his uncle being informed about the exact location of the resident of Armavir together with their supporters approached the mentioned office in different cars and surrounded it on both sides. The members of the group located at the office noticing the approaching cars attacked them and those in the cars also attacked the members of the opposite group. During the incident metal bars, blackjacks and other items were used.

    On the base of the obtained sufficient data, two of the supporters of 29 year-old man fired shots towards 28 year-old man and his supporters threatening to use violence against them. One of the supporters of 28 year-old man, threatening to use violence, fired shots against the members of the opposite group.

    During the hooliganism the resident of Armavir, with the intent to deprive 29 year-old man’s friend of life, fired shots towards him from a pistol of “Makarov” model however under unforeseen circumstances he could not complete the crime causing heavy bodily damage and bodily damage of medium gravity.

    Besides, the resident of Armavir fired shots against 29 year-old man from the same pistol causing heavy bodily damage to his health.

    The members of the above-mentioned two groups, in order to emphasize the privilege of their own selves, roughly breaching the public order and showing obvious disrespect towards public, disrupted traffic on Jivani street of Armavir community, scolded loudly, used violence, fired shots against each other, hit one another with blackjacks and other items.

    On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against 28 year-old resident of Armavir according to the Part 1 of the Article 34-104, the Part 1 of the Article 112, the Part 1 of the Article 235 and the Part 1 of the Article 258 of RA Criminal Code. Charge was pressed against two of those involved in the incident according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 258, and against 26 – according to the Part 4 of the Article 258 of RA Criminal Code.

    Preliminary investigation was completed and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to court.

    Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.