27.01.15, 05:20

26 initial examinations implemented in Internal Security Department of RA Investigative Committee

26 initial examinations implemented in Internal Security Department of RA Investigative Committee

In November and December 2014, 26 initial examinations have been implemented in the Department of Internal Security of RA Investigative Committee.

In the result of 5 examinations a disciplinary proceeding was initiated;

The Disciplinary Commission confirmed the offence made by the investigator and by the order of the Chairman of RA Investigative Committee 5 investigators were subjected to disciplinary sanctions; disciplinary sanctions of  “suspension of authorities” was used against one investigator, “reprimand” was used against another, “warning” was used against three of them.

In the result of 8 examinations no bases for initiation of disciplinary proceeding were found.

In the result of 1examination the initial examination was suspended on the base of suspension of authorities of the investigator.

12 proceedings were transferred to 2015.

Let us mention that the Disciplinary Commission of RA Investigative Committee has started its activity since November, 2014, the staff was confirmed on 17 November, 2014 by the order N 13Ա of the Chairman of RA Investigative Committee.