03.11.18, 10:01

Chief of Administration of RA Investigative Committee Aram Nikoyan Presented in Parliament Report on Financial Means Provided to Investigative Committee by State Budget

Chief of Administration of RA Investigative Committee Aram Nikoyan Presented in Parliament Report on Financial Means Provided to Investigative Committee by State Budget

Discussion of RA draft law «On RA State Budget of 2019» is ongoing in Standing Committees of the RA National Assembly and their joint sessions.

In the parliament the Chief of Administration of the RA Investigative Committee Aram Nikoyan presented today a report on financial means provided to the Investigative Committee by the state budget of 2019.

In 2019 7 milliard 839 million AMD will be provided to the Investigative Committee which is by 25.5% more than that of the previous year.

88.4% of the financial means provided to the Investigative Committee will be sent on salaries, 11.6% - on acquisition of services, goods, as well as mandatory payments.

The Investigative Committee’s reserve fund of 2019 will be 101 Million AMD.

20 million 550 thousand AMD is provided by the budget for trainings and preparation of trainings of IC employees.

42.7 million AMD is provided for scholarship of audience of professional trainings in 2019. 26.3 million AMD is provided for technical equipment of the Investigative Committee.

51.5 million AMD is provided through the IC capacity development article.  

Financial means provided by the article of transport means is 25.2 million AMD which will be directed to acquisition of three cars of “UAZ” make for the RA IC General Military Investigative Department.

Renovation of administrative buildings of several subdivisions of the Investigative Committee is planned in 2019.

In 2018 it was possible to save 80.5 million AMD from 261.2 million AMD provided to the Investigative Committee within the renovation program of administrative buildings which will be directed to renovation work of the administrative building of Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department in 2019.