12.06.19, 07:22

Criminal Case Initiated on Murder Committed at «Upravleni»

Criminal Case Initiated on Murder Committed at «Upravleni»

Investigation is conducted in the Investigative Division of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of stabbing one person and murdering another in the crossroad of Glinka and Tigran Mets Streets of Yerevan.

On June 10, 2019 at 13:05 a call was received in Erebuni Division of the RA Police from “Erebuni Medical Center” CJSC informing that a man, born in 1995, with cut wound on the front part of the abdomen was taken to medical center. The latter told that he had been stabbed at the area called “Upravleni”.

On the same day at 13:15 another call was received in Erebuni Division of the RA Police from the same medical center informing that the ambulance group took a man, born in 1963, with cut-pierced wound on the left lateral segment from the area of “Upravleni” to medical center. At the reception the ambulance doctor told that the patient had been caused the injury by stabbing at “Upravleni”. The man died in “Erebuni Medical Center” CJSC without regaining consciousness.

The investigatory-operative group immediately left and took urgent measures to find out circumstances of the case.

On June 10, 2019 a criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code. Two persons were found the victim.

Taking the complexity of the case, great volume of investigatory actions to be conducted into consideration a decision to form an investigatory group was made.

Pursuant to initial data, the man, born in 1963, who is a resident of Yerevan, a taxi driver, sustained the bodily injury incompatible with life during a quarrel; the persons having committed the alleged crime hit him with hands and feet during which one of them stabbed the 55 year-old man after which he stabbed a young man, born in 1995, who had intervened in the quarrel.

Urgent investigatory actions were conducted, particularly the call register-book of the reception of “Erebuni Medical Center” CJSC was examined, the clothes the victims were wearing at the moment of the incident were confiscated through inspection of which blood-like, as well as traces like cut-pierced injuries were found.

A number of circumstances, including the scene were found out. Through inspection of the scene blood-like traces, as well as items with blood-like traces were found and confiscated. The cameras picturing the scene and the adjacent areas were found, confiscated and examined. Witnesses were identified and questioned.

In the result of urgent investigatory actions, measures taken jointly with the relevant subdivisions of the Police the persons having committed the alleged crime were identified; they are residents of Yerevan, born in 1963 and 1989.

Forensic examinations, including forensic medical, forensic biological, forensic medical examination of the body were commissioned to find out circumstances significant for the criminal case.

Preliminary investigation is under way. Urgent investigatory and other procedural actions are conducted to find out all circumstances of the case, to provide the objective, complete and comprehensive investigation, to verify the circumstances mentioned in testimonies, to find those having committed the alleged crime, to bring them to the investigative body, to personalize the actions of each of them and to give appropriate criminal legal assessment. Instructions were given to relevant subdivisions of the Police.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.