26.10.18, 11:50

Devices for Computer Information Confiscation Acquired by Investigative Committee (photos)

Devices for Computer Information Confiscation Acquired by Investigative Committee (photos)

The Department of Support to Investigation of Criminal Cases of the RA Investigative Committee today presented devices called blockers necessary for confiscation and examination of information kept on several computer drives to a group of investigators.

The devices were acquired with sum provided by the state budget and their application will give an opportunity to “freeze” and copy the information available in the confiscated objects. It will be possible to confiscate the information available only on the hard disk, as well and the object will be physically left at the person holding it.  

Through application of the acquired devices the issue of information compactness will be solved and the investigators will have an opportunity to avoid the dangers of recognition of inadmissibility of evidence.

We can be confident that the application of the mentioned devices will have only a positive response with citizens and organizations as formerly the people were deprived of opportunity of using their computers for 6-12 months if it was necessary to examine the information available in their computers. Due to application of the mentioned devices the confiscated computer will be returned to the citizen in a few days.

At the same time, due to application of blockers the constitutional requirement to complete preliminary investigation within reasonable timeframe will be met.

The procedure of acquirement of the mentioned devices will be followed by software acquisition to examine the information available in computer systems.

Bag-containers of «ISOTech faraday» model of different sizes worked out and produced by «EDEC» company planned to protect the computer systems obtained during investigation of criminal case against the effects of wireless communications and reproduce the information in a safe environment were acquired by the RA Investigative Committee at the expense of non-state means. 

That is, the containers are made of deafening technologies impeding external impact which gives an opportunity to protect the computer systems in containers from external impact; they are isolated and become unavailable for the external world.

At the same time one of the acquired bag-containers gives an opportunity to download the information of decoded data of memory drive of computer system/ mobile phones, tablets and laptops/ to another computer system.

During this procedure being in the container the computer system which is the information source is protected from any remote online effects.

The mentioned bag-containers are also applicable in cases when it is necessary to take counterintelligence measures. Their application will become a ban to find out the location of a certain person through computer system, to follow and identify him through high technologies.