International cooperation
29.09.22, 12:08

IC Representative Taken Part in Session of Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee on Development of Issues of Comprehensive International Convention “On Countering the Use of Information and Telecommunication Technologies for Criminal Purposes”

The Deputy Head of the Department of Investigation of Cybercrime and High Technology Crime of General Investigative Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee Sasun Grigoryan, at the invitation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has taken part in the 3d session of the open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee on development of the issues of comprehensive international convention “On Countering the Use of Information and Telecommunication Technologies for Criminal Purposes” held in the United States between August 29 and September 9, 2022 during which issues on international cooperation, technical support, preventive measures, mechanism of implementation and the provisions of the preamble chapters have been considered.

It should be added that the mentioned intergovernmental committee was formed by the UN General Assembly which aims at developing comprehensive international convention “On Countering the Use of Information and Telecommunication Technologies for Criminal Purposes”.

During the session meetings and discussions have been held with the representatives of Argentina, Australia, Costa-Rica, Morocco and a number of other countries.

In his speech the representative of the RA Investigative Committee emphasized the significance of the international cooperation within several international contracts and agreements taking into consideration the transnational manifestations of crime and the use of high technologies during the commitment of crimes in recent times. During the active and substantive discussions related to the sector representatives of several states presented their positions regarding the issues under discussion.

During the session attaching importance to the discussions of the provisions of the UN Convention the majority of the participants recorded the efficiency of Budapest Convention as the only international contract currently in operation and enabling major international cooperation.

It should be mentioned that the next – 4th session of the open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee on development of the issues of comprehensive international convention “On Countering the Use of Information and Telecommunication Technologies for Criminal Purposes” is planned to be held between January 9 and 20, 2023 in the city of Vienna of the Republic of Austria.