20.10.23, 17:34

Newly Appointed Head of the European Union Delegation to Armenia Hosted in the RA Investigative Committee

Newly Appointed Head of the European Union Delegation to Armenia Hosted in the RA Investigative Committee

On October 20 the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan received the newly appointed Head of the European Union Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Vassilis Maragos.  

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee congratulated Mr. Maragos on assuming the leadership of the EU diplomatic mission in Armenia and wished fruitful work for the benefit of the further development of Armenia-EU relations.

Argishti Kyaramyan assessed highly the EU support for the institutional strengthening of democratic values, protection of human rights in Armenia and, in that context, the process of continuous reforms of the judicial and legal sphere.

Importance was attached to the fact of establishing effective communication with the RA Investigative Committee and European law enforcement structures, particularly "Eurojust" and "Europol" in recent times, which contributes to the fight against transnational crimes, in particular.

Ambassador Maragos noted that the successful course of reforms in Armenia provides a basis for implementing new cooperation projects in the judicial and legal sphere, based on already acquired experience and tools. The Ambassador added that EU was ready, particularly based on the needs and recommendations of the RA Investigative Committee, to support new joint programs aimed at ensuring the rule of law and developing resources in the fight against crime.

During the meeting new opportunities of cooperation aimed at improving professional potential of the RA Investigative Committee, for this purpose, the transfer of European best practices, and expansion of cooperation with the investigative bodies of European countries were discussed.

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan presented Mr. Maragos all the factual data on ethnic cleansing committed by Azerbaijan in Nagorno Katabakh, planned and consistently implemented actions over the months aimed at making the future stay of the NK population in their homeland impossible, military aggression committed against NK population and forced displacement, which were obtained through the large-scale investigation conducted in the RA Investigative Committee.

He mentioned that all this was accompanied by military crimes and crimes against humanity; by deliberately targeting civilian settlements and infrastructures, violence against civilians, captivity, dishonor of corpses, etc. The RA IC Chairman expressed readiness to transfer these already documented data to international partners, if desired.