22.03.23, 10:54

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan has received the Newly Appointed U.S. Ambassador to the RA Christina Quinn (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan has received the Newly Appointed U.S. Ambassador to the RA Christina Quinn (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan has received the delegation headed by the newly appointed U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the RA Christina Quinn.

Mr. Kyaramyan has congratulated Mrs. Quinn on assuming the position of Ambassador. The Chairman of the Committee has assessed highly the participation of the U.S. Embassy in deepening cooperation of the law enforcement bodies of the two countries in the foregoing period, strengthening democracy in Armenia, development of the potential of Armenia in spherical reforms and fight against crime.

Argishti Kyaramyan has mentioned that the efficiency of the cooperation has been reflected in quantitative growth of disclosures of crimes that are transnational in nature and become more complex due to technological development, and mastering new effective methods of fight, continuation of technical-technological saturation contribute to more tangible achievements.

In this respect Argishti Kyaramyan has emphasized the creation of computer technical laboratory of key importance, in terms of obtaining electronic evidence within cyber crimes and crimes committed in the sphere of high technology, in the RA Investigative Committee. Funded by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the U.S. State Department in 2022 it has been replenished with the latest software in the mentioned sphere, powerful server and other equipment which allows to expand the functions of the laboratory. In its level of saturation, it is not inferior to the best regional laboratories.

Ambassador Quinn has mentioned that good traditions of close cooperation have been established between the U.S. Embassy and the RA Investigative Committee and she wants to develop them to a new level. She has added that the U.S. is ready to support Armenia in the reforms of law enforcement sphere and contribute to further development of capacities of the RA Investigative Committee based on the priorities set by the Armenian party.

Issues on illegal turnover of narcotic drugs through online platforms, money laundering using crypto currencies, cooperation between the law enforcement bodies of the two countries in fight against cyber crimes, implementation of target programs aimed at development of capacities of the RA IC investigators have been discussed. Thoughts have been exchanged on increasing the effectiveness of mutual legal assistance between the two countries.

The computer technical laboratory operating in the RA Investigative Committee empowered by U.S. support has been presented to Mrs. Ambassador. She has got acquainted with the capabilities of the laboratory of subjecting computer systems to digital searches,, detecting and recovering traces within the framework of criminal proceedings investigated in the IC subdivisions as well as other investigative bodies.