20.08.20, 10:16

Search Declared against 25 Year-Old Woman’s Husband Charged with her Murder

Search Declared against 25 Year-Old Woman’s Husband Charged with her Murder

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions conducted in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee 25 year-old woman’s murder was disclosed. The person having committed the alleged crime was identified; he is the woman’s 32 year-old husband – IRI citizen.

It was earlier informed that on August 17, 2020 at about 15:00 25 year-old woman’s body with bodily injuries on the neck and face was found in Hovsepyan Street of Yerevan by police officers.

Through preliminary investigation it was found out that during the argument over personal matters 32 year-old man illegally deprived his wife of life by strangling and fled.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence a decision was made to involve 32 year-old man as a defendant according to the Part 1 of the Article 104 (murder) of RA Criminal Code, detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against him and search was declared.

Measures are taken to find the wanted and bring him to the investigative body.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.