12.09.24, 10:45Delegation of Investigative Committee Took Part in Largest Annual Conference of 2024 for Women in Criminal Justice Sphere Held in Chicago, U.S. (photos)During the conference thematic seminars dedicated to strengthening the role of women, gender equality and leadership, were held.
27.08.24, 18:27FBI Legal Attaché in Armenia and Georgia Visited the RA Investigative Committee; Issues on Further Cooperation Discussed (photos)During the meeting Mr. Ayvazyan presented the structural and functional features of the investigative system in Armenia, the process of reforms in the RA Investigative Committee.
26.08.24, 18:22Indian Citizen Kidnapped due to Failure to Pay Required Amount of Damage Caused as a Result of Car Crash; a Citizen of Armenia and 6 Citizens of India DetainedTaking the specifics of the case into account, the conduction of preliminary investigation was assigned to the investigative group.
21.08.24, 17:19Another Count on Attempt of Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs out of 53 kg Drugs Smuggled in Armenia, Disclosed; Materials of Proceeding on Another Person Involved in Criminal Chain Sent to CourtIt should be noted that several criminal proceedings regarding 8 persons involved in the criminal chain engaged in illegal turnover of narcotic drugs were separated from the criminal proceeding related to about 53 kg of narcotic drugs smuggled to Armenia by the mentioned IRI citizen and were sent to court.
20.08.24, 11:20Within Criminal Proceeding on Corruption Related Crimes Investigated in the RA Investigative Committee in the First Term of 2024, 4 Times more Amount of Damage Recovered as Compared with the Same Period of 2023; SummeryThe RA Investigative Committee has summed up the results of preliminary investigation conducted in the first term of 2024 on corruption related crimes in the RA IC subdivisions.
15.08.24, 11:53In the First Semester of 2024, within Criminal Proceedings Investigated in the RA Investigative Committee, about 24 billion 828 million AMD or Amount by 54% more than in the First Semester of 2023, RecoveredThe RA Investigative Committee has summed up the results recorded in the first semester of 2024 aimed at recovery of the pecuniary damage caused and found out within the criminal proceedings investigated in all the subdivisions of the Committee.
14.08.24, 17:161535 Criminal Proceedings on Domestic Violence Investigated in the RA Investigative Committee in the First Semester of this YearAs a result of summery of semi-annual indicators of this year, the below-mentioned statistical indicators were recorded in the section of criminal proceedings related to domestic violence investigated in the RA Investigative Committee.
13.08.24, 14:35In the First Semester of 2024 1032 Criminal Proceedings on Crimes Committed against Minors Investigated in the RA Investigative CommitteeSummary and analytical work of various semi-annual indicators is ongoing in the RA Investigative Committee and in another publication prepared within its framework the statistics of criminal proceedings investigated on crimes committed against minors in the first semester of 2024 is presented.
12.08.24, 17:45In the First Semester of 2024 338 Criminal Proceedings on Crimes Committed by Minors Investigated in the RA Investigative CommitteeThe RA Investigative Committee summed up the statistics of the criminal proceedings investigated on crimes committed by minors during the first semester of 2024.
09.08.24, 14:24Circumstances of Banditry and Extortion Committed against Citizen of India by his Fellow Countrymen, Causing him Strong Physical Pain and Mental Sufferance with Particular Cruelty, Found out; Preliminary Investigation CompletedIn the result of necessary investigative and evidentiary actions significant circumstances of the case, among them the motive, were found out, the persons having committed the alleged crime were identified.
06.08.24, 14:46The RA Investigative Committee has Expert Criminalistics Center which Started Functioning as SNCO«Expert Criminalistics Center of the RA Investigative Committee» SNCO was formed as a part of the RA Investigative Committee, through establishment by the RA Government, and its charter was approved.
01.08.24, 18:52Argishti Kyaramyan Received the Head of Delegation of International Committee of the Red Cross (photos)Argishti Kyaramyan, Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee received today Thierry Ribault the Head of the delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross, who completes his work activity in Armenia.
31.07.24, 17:36Case of Smuggling, Illegal Turnover of over 43kg Narcotic Drugs of Various Types Disclosed; Preliminary Investigation on One Person Completed (photos)A case of illegal turnover of 43.724 g various types of narcotic drugs was disclosed, two of the members of the criminal group were identified.
29.07.24, 17:1525.000.000 AMD out of Damage Caused to State by LLC as a Result of Violation of Land Use Legislation Recovered in the Course of Preliminary Investigation25.000.000 AMD out of the damage caused by the company has been recovered in the course of preliminary investigation.
29.07.24, 16:13Damage in the Amount of more than 53 Million AMD Swindled as a Result of Apparent Corruption-Related Abuses Committed in «National Institute of Metrology» CJSC RecoveredAs a result, money in particularly large amount - 53.427.789 AMD, in total, was unreasonably deducted from the state budget in the name of the mentioned employees and was swindled by embezzlement.
26.07.24, 19:41Extended Board Session of the RA Investigative Committee in Gavar; IC Current Results Summed up in the Context of 10 Years of Activity (photos)At the extended board session the current results, agenda issues and strategic goals of the investigative body were discussed in the context of 10 years activity of the Investigative Committee.
22.07.24, 18:11Strategic Communication Issues of the RA Investigative Committee and the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs Discussed with Journalists. Training-Discussion in Tsaghkadzor (photos)During the seminar-discussion, an interesting and useful dialogue took place. Meetings in this format were evaluated as useful by the participants, with the expectation of making them continuous.
16.07.24, 12:00Preliminary Investigation of Proceeding on Preparing Terrorist Act Named «Northern Leaf Fall» CompletedIn the result of collaborative actions of the employees of the law enforcement bodies on November 1, 2023 5 members of the criminal group, were arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion of having committed a crime and was brought to the investigative body.
02.07.24, 10:43Another Episode of Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs through «Telegram» and Money Laundering in the Amount of about 28 Million AMD Disclosed; Preliminary Investigation CompletedPreliminary investigation of another criminal proceeding on illegal turnover of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount, money laundering was completed on one person in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.
27.06.24, 10:52IRI Citizen Fraudulently Embezzled 112,392,966 AMD from 70 Persons; Preliminary Investigation CompletedNew episodes of fraudulently embezzling money in particularly large amount, a total of 112,392,966 AMD in different currencies from many people committed by a citizen of the Republic of Iran have been disclosed.
24.06.24, 15:1838 year-old Man, Receiving Passwords of Electronic Wallets by Cheating, Stole 2.500.000 AMD by Means of Computer from Three Citizens. WarningCircumstances of the case on theft by means of computer in total amount of 2.500.000 AMD committed by 38 year-old resident of Artashat town from three different victims with the same criminal scheme, were found out.
21.06.24, 17:30Preliminary Investigation on Two Defendants within Proceeding on Creating, Leading Group with Criminal Subculture, being Involved in it, CompletedA case of creating, leading a group with criminal subculture, being involved in it, doing actions in favor of a number of people for illegal remuneration in Lori was disclosed.
19.06.24, 14:39Training with Help of Council of Europe Aimed at Increasing Effectiveness of Investigation of Cases on Domestic and Gender-Based ViolenceWithin the framework of the program «Overcoming Violence against Women and Strengthening Gender Equality in Armenia» implemented by Yerevan Office of the Council of Europe, two days training was organized and held in Tsaghkadzor for the investigators of the RA Investigative Committee.
19.06.24, 10:56Case on Spoiling Property of Jewish Religious Center due to Apparent National and Ethnic Enmity Disclosed; Charge Pressed against One PersonIt was found out that the motive for hitting the window of the religious facility, causing pecuniary damage by the mentioned person was national, ethnic enmity.
17.06.24, 16:48Criminal Prosecution Initiated against 58 People for Apparent Criminal Acts during Protests, Detention Used as a Pretrial Measure against 29 People; SummeryIn the mentioned period 47 criminal proceedings in total have been initiated in various subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee on apparent criminal manifestations committed by citizens involved in the protests.
11.06.24, 10:554.4 billion AMD Involved Funds, 12000 Involved People, 31 Defendants; Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Proceeding on Financial Pyramid Known as «Vodanet» and «Onyxum» CompletedPreliminary investigation on the part of 31 defendants within the criminal proceeding initiated on creating, organizing, managing a financial pyramid was completed.
06.06.24, 12:15Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs in the Amount of 231 Million AMD and Money Laundering in Particularly Large Amount; Preliminary Investigation on three Defendants CompletedIn the result of investigative and evidentiary actions a criminal group engaged in illegal turnover of narcotic drugs through a telegram channel was disclosed.
05.06.24, 12:15Withiin framework of CyberEast+ Project Specialists of the RA Investigative Committee together with EC Experts Discussed Issues Related to Increasing Effectiveness of Investigation in the Sphere of Digital Currencies Received as a Result of Online Financial Crimes, Money Laundering and Other Criminal Activity (photos)According to the analysis of one of the internationally renowned companies in the field, the overall circulation of crypto currencies in the Republic of Armenia in 2022 has made more than 9 billion USD, the significant part of which were criminal or risky transactions.
03.06.24, 17:12Preliminary Investigation of Proceeding on Illegal Sale of Narcotic Drugs in Particularly Large Amount and Money Laundering in the Amount of 77.761.545 AMD Completed on One PersonCircumstances of illegal turnover of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount through online store-platform registered in application «Telegram» and money laundering in particularly large amount committed between 2017 and 2023 were found out.
30.05.24, 10:33Case of Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs in Particularly Large Amount by Using Social Site Disclosed; 21 year-old Young Man Detained (photos)Another case of illegal turnover of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount with the purpose of sale committed by 21 year-old resident of Yerevan has been disclosed.
27.05.24, 16:41Maxime Longangué, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Visited the RA Investigative Committee; Issues on Development of Cooperation Discussed (photos)Argishti Kyaramyan, the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee received today Maxime Longangué, the newly appointed Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan,
22.05.24, 14:03H.Gh. Arrested on Suspicion of Attempt to Usurp Power; Criminal Prosecution Initiated against himPreliminary investigation is ongoing. Large-scale measures are taken to find out the frame of those related to the above-mentioned case, and to find them.
21.05.24, 17:02Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Proceeding on Smuggling, Illegal Turnover of about 11 kg of Narcotic Drugs Completed on two Persons (photos)Circumstances of smuggling, illegal turnover of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount committed by two residents of Yerevan were found out.
21.05.24, 11:33Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Received U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Brandon Yoder; Issues of Cooperation Expansion Discussed (photos)Underlining the significance of memorandums of cooperation signed within a year with the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the U.S. Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S. Department of Justice, Mr. Kyaramyan reaffirmed the willingness of the Investigative Committee to deepen cooperation.
10.05.24, 17:09Person with Highest Status of Criminal Hierarchy Detained; Charges Pressed against 6 more Persons for Criminal Subculture CrimesInvestigation is conducted to find out all circumstances of cases of receiving the highest status of criminal hierarchy, being involved in the group with criminal subculture, turning to the member of the mentioned group.
08.05.24, 16:25152 Counts of Theft Committed by Computer Means; Damage Caused to the Affected is over 102.000.000 AMD; Preliminary Investigation on Part of two Defendants CompletedHe has committed 152 counts of theft by computer means in a similar way and the damage caused to the affected has made 102.213.328 AMD.
03.05.24, 14:52RA IC Investigators Developed Capacities in Criminal Legal Fight against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (photos)The certificates were handed over to the victims by Arsen Ayvazyan, Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee and Liana Amirbekyan, project manager of «Overcoming Violence against Women and Strengthening Gender Equality in Armenia» of Yerevan Office of the Council of Europe.
03.05.24, 10:33Within Framework of Criminal Proceeding on Hooliganism, Murder Committed in Yerevan by a Group of Citizens of India their 2 Countrymen Detained; Preliminary Investigation on them CompletedPreliminary investigation of the part separated on two persons from the criminal proceeding initiated on hooliganism committed in Hasratyan Street, Yerevan by a group of citizens of the Republic of India, murder of one of them, infliction of heavy damage to health, was completed.
26.04.24, 17:21Criminal Prosecution Initiated against Two Persons for Committing High Treason; Search Declared against ThemIt was found out that RA citizens V.M. and S.J., though providing assistance to a representative of foreign special services in order to commit espionage and hostile activity, committed high treason to the detriment of the sovereignty and external security of the Republic of Armenia.
26.04.24, 14:23In the First Quarter of 2024 Damage in the Amount of 12 Billion 155 Million AMD Caused to the State Recovered within Criminal Proceedings Investigated in the RA Investigative CommitteeWork done by the subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee within the 3 months of 2024 has been summed up in General Department on Special Assignments of the RA Investigative Committee.
25.04.24, 20:07Charge Pressed against A.Gh. having Highest Status of Criminal Hierarchy for Committing Physical Impact and HooliganismIn the result of procedural, investigative actions conducted within the framework of the proceeding a number of significant circumstances were found out.
22.04.24, 17:26Young Man Charged with Banditry Committed with Pneumatic Gun against Foreigner Found and Detained; 2 Cases of Theft Committed by him Revealed as wellThe person, wanted within the proceeding for banditry committed with a pneumatic gun against the U.S. citizen in Proshyan Street, Yerevan, was found.
19.04.24, 14:16Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Proceeding on Committing Hooliganism by Foreigners CompletedPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on hooliganism in Tumanyan and Mashtots Streets of Yerevan committed by two citizens of the Russian Federation was completed.
18.04.24, 16:46Case of Smuggling Drugs of «Methamphetamine», «Heroine» and «Marijuana» Type Weighing over 13 kg Disclosed; Wanted Found; Two more Members of Criminal Group DetainedAnother case of smuggling narcotic drugs in particularly large amount by a group was disclosed.
18.04.24, 10:36Within Criminal Proceeding on Stealing Gold Bars in Particularly Large Amount, Weighing 36 kg and 293.000.000 RF rubbles through Banditry Committed in Parakar, Criminal Prosecution Initiated against 12 Persons; 5 of them DetainedA number of circumstances of stealing property in particularly large amount through banditry committed in Armavir region, were found out.
16.04.24, 18:25Training Aimed at Closer Cooperation with U.S. Competent Bodies in Field of Mutual Legal Assistance; RA IC Deputy Chairman Took Part in Opening CeremonyArsen Ayvazyan, Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee participated today in the opening ceremony of the training course regarding mutual legal assistance queries held by the initiative of the U.S. Embassy, in Yerevan.
16.04.24, 17:12Tax in the Amount of about 50 Million AMD Hidden from the State by Submitting Distorted Data on Employees’ Salaries; Damage Fully RecoveredIn the course of preliminary investigation on April 15, 2024 A.D. was arrested on the base of suspicion of evading paying taxes.
16.04.24, 11:42In the Course of Preliminary Investigation Tax Obligation in the Amount of 848 Million AMD Hidden from the State Recovered by Business EntityThey hid the taxation object in the amount of 3.481.104.442 AMD paid in cash to the employees by the company and entered distorted data in monthly calculations of income tax and social remuneration.
11.04.24, 17:1629 year-old Man Participated in Criminal Organization Engaged in Illegal Sale of Narcotic Drugs through Telegram Stores and Committed Money Laundering in the Amount of more than 43 Mln AMD; Preliminary Investigation OngoingCircumstances of participating in the criminal organization created in 2019 and still in operation, engaged in illegal sale of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount and money laundering in particularly large amount, by 29 year-old resident of Yerevan, were found out.
11.04.24, 12:07250.000.000 AMD Recovered to State Budget within Proceeding on not Paying Taxes in Particularly Large AmountA case of not paying taxes in particularly large amount was disclosed; 250․000․000 AMD was recovered to the state budget.
10.04.24, 15:49Case of not Paying Taxes in Particularly Large Amount by Business Entity Disclosed; 300.000.000 AMD Recovered to State BudgetA case of selling goods by the business entity without providing settlement documents and not paying taxes in particularly large amount was disclosed.
10.04.24, 12:13Issues of Development of Experimental Medical DNA Database in Armenia Discussed at the RA Investigative Committee with Experts from the USAThe delegation of American GTH Consulting Company was hosted today at the RA Investigative Committee. They were accompanied by Argam Hovsepyan, Director of the RA National Bureau of Expertise.
08.04.24, 17:40Criminal Prosecution Initiated against One more Person Charged with Placing Explosives at Several Addresses in Yerevan and Organizing Terrorism through Explosions; the Latter WantedLarge-scale investigative actions are ongoing to disclose the terrorism cases committed in Yerevan in February, 2024.
01.04.24, 14:42Number of Proceedings on Corruption-Related Crimes, Sent to Court, and Defendants within the Proceedings Increased in 2023The result and efficiency of investigation of corruption-related crimes in 2023 have been summed up in the subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee, taking into consideration that the RA Investigative Committee continues investigating similar proceedings on numerous cases.
27.03.24, 12:02Two of Three Persons Arrested within Proceeding on apparent Terrorism in Nor Nork Police Division DetainedOn the base of the obtained facts the investigative body submitted motions to the prosecutor to initiate public criminal prosecution against the three persons having committed the alleged crime.
27.03.24, 11:43Criminal Proceedings Sent to Court on Domestic Violence Increased in 2023; SummeryThe dynamics of the criminal proceedings investigated on domestic violence in 2023 have been analyzed and summed up at the RA Investigative Committee.
26.03.24, 17:28Person having Committed Banditry against U.S. Citizen with Pneumatic Gun in Proshyan Street Identified; the latter is WantedIt was found out that on March 21, 2024 at about 10:30 in the lovers’ garden the latter approached the foreigner from the back, hit him on the head with a pneumatic gun, stole his bag and fled.
26.03.24, 14:29Representatives of Management and Teaching staff of Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA) at the RA Investigative Committee; Cooperation Arrangements in Training Field Achieved (photos)Arrangements on development of capacities of the investigators in the field of cybercrimes, high technologies, acquisition of electronic evidence and holding training courses over the next few months have been achieved.
26.03.24, 12:13In the Result of Searches Conducted within Criminal Proceeding on Terrorism Committed in Nor Nork Police Division Weapon-Ammunition, Schemes, Documents Found; Motions on Initiating Criminal Prosecution against 3 Persons SubmittedAs a result of the searches documents and items of interest for the investigation, among them weapon, ammunition, plans, schemes, masses like narcotic drugs and other items, were found and taken.
25.03.24, 13:24Cooperation Fields between the RA Investigative Committee and the U.S. INL Office Discussed (photos)Reference has also been made to the U.S. Embassy’s new program for promoting anti-corruption reforms, launched a few days before.
22.03.24, 12:23Majority of Crimes Committed by Minors in 2023 within Proceedings Sent to Court Refer to Theft, Drugs and Infliction of Bodily Damages; SummeryThe RA Investigative Committee presents the general dynamics of crimes committed by minors according to the criminal proceedings investigated in the IC proceeding.
21.03.24, 14:56Attaché of Federal Criminal Service of Germany, Chief Commissioner for Criminal Cases in South Caucasus Paid a Visit to the RA Investigative Committee (photos)The opportunities and directions of the cooperation, other issues of mutual interest have been discussed
20.03.24, 16:00Criminal Group Engaged in Illegal Turnover of Drugs, Laboratory for Making Drugs Disclosed; Four Persons Arrested (photos)A criminal group engaged in illegal turnover of narcotic drugs was disclosed; a secret laboratory for making drugs by the group was found.
20.03.24, 10:37Criminal Proceedings on Crimes Committed against Minors Initiated as well as Sent to Court Increased in 2023; SummeryThe impartial and comprehensive investigation of crimes committed against minors, also in the context of preventing criminal harassment against them, is always in the center of attention of the Committee.
18.03.24, 17:00Within Criminal Proceeding on Hooliganism with Weapon Committed in Abovyan Town Charge Pressed against three more PersonsPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on hooliganism with a weapon and physical impact committed against the resident of Abovyan in Constitution Square of the same town is ongoing.
15.03.24, 16:52Circumstances of Hooliganism with a Weapon and Murder Attempts Committed in Fuchik Street being Found out (photos)Urgent investigative, procedural actions are conducted, operative-intelligence measures are taken to find out all circumstances of the case, to identify all those involved in the case.
13.03.24, 19:34Cases of Terrorism Organized in February, 2024 at House in Noy District and Offices of Parties Located in Gyulbenkyan Street, Yerevan Disclosed; There are Persons Detained and Arrested (video)In the result of large-scale investigative and secret investigative actions conducted, as well as operative-intelligence measures two cases of terrorism organized in February, 2024 in Yerevan have been disclosed.
11.03.24, 16:09Hooliganism with Weapon and Battery in Abovyan Town; Public Criminal Prosecution Initiated against 4 PersonsSignificant circumstances of hooliganism with a weapon and physical impact against the resident of Abovyan community committed by more than a dozen people were found out.
06.03.24, 16:48Head of the Special Investigation Service of Georgia Visited Shiral Marz (photos)During the exchange of ideas, the importance of such cognitive visits was emphasized from the point of view of getting acquainted with each other’s capabilities, defining the most objective directions of cooperation.
06.03.24, 10:41Reciprocal Hitting and Drag between 2 Persons having the Highest Status of Criminal Hierarchy and their Supporters; Preliminary Investigation on the Part of one of them CompletedPreliminary investigation of the part separated from the criminal proceeding initiated on the incident between two persons having the highest status of criminal hierarchy and their supporters, was completed.
05.03.24, 17:56Head of the Special Investigation Service of Georgia Arrived in Armenia; Memorandum of Cooperation Signed (photos)As a sign of friendship and closer bilateral relations, the Head of the Special Investigation Service of Georgia planted a fir tree in the yard of the RA Investigative Committee.
04.03.24, 21:15Public Criminal Prosecution against Servicemen of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan TerminatedPublic criminal prosecution against the servicemen of the armed forces of Azerbaijan was terminated.
04.03.24, 18:10Within Proceeding on Corruption-Related Abuses Committed in Aygepat Community Hall Charge Pressed against Community Head, his Wife and Father-in-law; Preliminary Investigation CompletedPreliminary investigation was completed, the materials of the criminal proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.
01.03.24, 15:59Training by Invited Specialists of Germany and Europol Aimed at Development of Skills for Investigation of Cyber Crimes (photos)The delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany was received by A. Ayvazyan, Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee.
29.02.24, 09:51Serviceman of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, Neutralized by Servicemen of the RA Armed Forces, Arrested; Preliminary Investigation UnderwayA criminal proceeding was initiated on diversion attempt, murder attempt in a way dangerous for other people’s life, as well as out of national, religious hatred, intolerance and hostility, illegal carrying and transportation of firearm, ammunition, smuggling of firearm and ammunition and illegal crossing of state border committed on February 28, 2024 by Ruslan Eldanis-Oghlu Penakhov, servicemen of the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
28.02.24, 10:41Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Proceeding on Hooliganism Committed on December 19, 2023 in Sevan Lake Completed on Part of 5 PersonsThe fishermen, in masks, approached the officials in motor boats, surrounded their boats demanding that they should not remove their fishing nets and other items from the lake.
27.02.24, 12:27Illegal Turnover of Drug in Particularly Large Amount, 500g. of «Methamphetamine», with Minor’s Involvement; Charge Pressed against Two Brothers and Minora number of circumstances of engagement in illegal turnover of narcotic drugs smuggled to the RA from IRI by two brothers, residents of Armavir region and a minor resident of Ararat region were found out.
26.02.24, 13:20About 1.668.250,6 m³ Sand and Gravel Mixture Extracted Illegally, Pecuniary Damage of about 613.387.403 AMD Caused to State, 78.481.689 AMD of which RecoveredThe results of the criminal proceedings on extraction of sand and gravel mixture, being investigated and completed as of January 20, 2024 in regional investigative departments of the RA Investigative Committee, have been summed up.
23.02.24, 17:51Two Citizens of Turkey, with RA Citizen’s Help, Crossed RA State Border Using False Documents; Charges Pressed against themCitizens of the Republic of Turkey I.Q., E.Y. and RA citizen A.M. were found on February 20, 2024 at various addresses of Yerevan and arrested.
23.02.24, 13:03Gaining Access to Data of about 50 Citizens Using Communication Apps Person Stole about 40 Million AMD by Means of ComputerPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on cases of theft of about 40 million AMD committed by means of computer by 37 year-old resident of Yerevan was completed.
21.02.24, 15:54As a Result of Abuse of Official Position and Official Forgery Committed by Officials Pecuniary Damage of about 80 Mln AMD Caused to State; Charge Pressed against Previous Officials of the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection BodyThe writ was submitted to the person holding a high-ranking position in the RA Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body to be signed. The latter signed it and referred to the RA SRC.
20.02.24, 17:27Heather Bergey, DoJ FBI Legal Attaché in Armenia and Georgia Visited the RA Investigative Committee (photos)Arsen Ayvazyan, Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee received today Heather Bergey, DoJ FBI Legal Attaché in Armenia and Georgia.
15.02.24, 20:29Within Criminal Proceeding on Apparent Abuses Committed during Tender for Procurement of Service for Needs of the RA Ministry of Economy Criminal Prosecution Initiated against 8 PersonsPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding on apparent abuses committed during the procurement tender for «Creation of a bank of public investment projects» service for the needs of the RA Ministry of Economy is ongoing .
15.02.24, 17:22Criminal Group Engaged in Circulation of Fake Currency in Large Amount Disclosed (video)A case of a schematic crime of procuring, keeping and transporting counterfeit currency in large amount with the purpose of realization, committed with prior agreement by a group of people, was disclosed.
14.02.24, 19:06The RA Investigative Committee and INL Office of the U.S. Department of Justice Signed Memorandum of Cooperation (photos)Argishti Kyaramyan, the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee and Kristina Alison Kvien, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Armenia were present at the memorandum signing ceremony.
13.02.24, 15:51Criminal Proceeding Initiated with Regard to Four Persons’ Murder, Murder Attempt against one more Person Committed by RivalThe servicemen of the armed forces of Azerbaijan, out of racial, national, ethnic hatred, intolerance or hostility, with the intent to illegally deprive of life, fired shots towards the combat positions of the south-eastern part of the contact line.
12.02.24, 16:38Representatives of the Embassy of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Armenia Visited the RA Investigative Committee (photos)Arsen Ayvazyan underlined that the RA Investigative Committee was ready for close collaboration with the Embassy as well as with the law enforcement bodies of the United Kingdom.
08.02.24, 17:15«Council of Veterans of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia» Non-Governmental Organization CreatedIn his congratulatory speech Argishti Kyaramyan considered the creation of the RA IC Veterans’ Council as a historical and symbolic event.
08.02.24, 12:38"Subdivision of the Year" and "Investigator of the Year" of the RA Investigative Committee of 2023 Determined (photos)The "Best Subdivision" and "Best Investigator" awards are held every year which is aimed at giving a proper evaluation to the professional and service activity of the IC functional subdivisions and investigators, fostering the efficiency of their work.
07.02.24, 18:28Results of Activity of the RA Investigative Committee in 2023 Discussed at the Extended Board Session; Argishti Kyaramyan Gave Specific Assignments (photos)On February 7 an extended board session was held at the RA Investigative Committee which was headed by Argishti Kyaramyan, the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee.
30.01.24, 15:55In 2023 Damage Caused to State Recovered Several Times More as Compared with Previous Years, Completed Proceedings Increased by about 170%; SummeryThe General Department of Investigation of Smuggling and Economic Crimes of the RA Investigative Committee summed up the results of its one-year activity.
18.01.24, 14:26Within Criminal Proceeding on Smuggling and Illegal Turnover of about 12kg of Various Types of Narcotic Drugs in Particularly Large Amount Two Persons Detained (photo)Investigation is conducted in Syunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out the circumstances of smuggling and selling narcotic drugs in particularly large amount.
18.01.24, 11:57People who have Invested in Program «City Bike» and are Deprived of Opportunity to Cash out Money are Asked to Contact the RA Investigative CommitteeNumerous commercials have been disseminated through various internet platforms on earning money through the program «City Bike» presented itself as an Armenian branch of the American company of the same name.
09.01.24, 16:40A New Department - General Department of Investigation of Crimes against the State, Fundamentals of the Constitutional Order and Public Security Formed at Central Office of the RA Investigative CommitteeAll the former investigators of the General Investigative Department of the R ANSS, who have expressed a wish to continue their service in the RA IC General Department of Investigation of Crimes against the State, Fundamentals of the Constitutional Order and Public Security, have already been appointed to relevant positions .
29.12.23, 16:14Theft of Crypto Currency in the Amount of over 88 Million AMD Committed by Means of Computer; For the First Time in Armenia, a Case on Theft of Crypto Currency Sent to CourtIn the course of preliminary investigation the accused completely recovered the damage caused.
29.12.23, 10:53Resident of Kotayk Region Subjected 3 Women and one Child to Trafficking for a Long Time; Preliminary Investigation CompletedPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on trafficking of 4 persons, among them 1 child, committed by 38 year-old resident of Kotayk region, was completed.
28.12.23, 14:27In the Course of Preliminary Investigation About 621 Million AMD Unpaid Tax Paid to the State Budget by the Director and Accountant of LLC Engaged in Import and Sale of Car Oil and Other AccessoriesAnother case of selling goods without submitting calculation documents and tax evasion in particularly large amount committed by a business entity, was disclosed.
28.12.23, 12:31Two Former Directors and Chief Accountant of «Yerevan» Medical Center Evaded Paying Tax in the Amount of 299 Million AMD to the State Budget; Preliminary Investigation CompletedPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on tax evasion in particularly large amount committed by the former directors and chief accountant of «Yerevan» medical center was completed.
22.12.23, 17:14One of the Most Massive Cases on Illegal Turnover of Drugs in Armenia and Drug Smuggling Disclosed; Preliminary Investigation on 7 Members of the Criminal Group Completed (photos)Preliminary investigation on others involved in the group, other possible sources of narcotic drugs and their volume is ongoing.
22.12.23, 14:423 of 218 Persons who Died as a Result of Explosion that Took Place in Fuel Warehouse on September 25 in Nagorno Karabakh not Identified Yet; Exhortation to Their RelativesThe explosion that took place in the mentioned warehouse caused 218 persons’ death.
19.12.23, 18:10Criminal Group Created and Managed Online Platforms for Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs, was Engaged in Illegal Transportation and Sale of Narcotic Drugs by Smuggling from the USA and RF to Armenia; Preliminary Investigation on 5 Persons Completed (photos)Preliminary investigation is ongoing to find other members of the criminal group, to find out the source of procurement of narcotic drugs,.
18.12.23, 11:08Preliminary Investigation of Multi-Episode Proceeding on Apparent Corruption-Related Abuses, Money Laundering with Relatives’ Involvement, Committed by Former Head of Gyumri Community V.Gh, CompletedPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding on alienation of more than two dozen real estate properties, ommitted by the former head of Gyumri community through official forgery, abuse of official authorities, was completed.
16.12.23, 12:10Former Mayor of Stepanavan Alienated Communal Lands in a Criminal Way and Committed Money Laundering with Relatives and Close Friends; Preliminary Investigation Completed13 counts of alienation and owning of communal lands not subject to alienation, hiding the criminal origin of the property procured in this way committed by the former Mayor of Stepanavan A.Gh., with the involvement of some other people, were disclosed.
13.12.23, 11:11E